Can't Join Any Cabal


I'm unable to join cabals. I press Apply to any open, non-full cabal and nothing happens. I also tried contacting a recruiting player directly and he said that he doesn't see my request and I couldn't see his invite.

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Can't Join Any Cabal
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4 years 53 days ago
Could you tell me the platform you are playing on? We will check if this is a unique issue affecting only your account or a more general problem. 

Just as @BROTHER KUNDARI‍ suggested you can also ask around for an invitation on the social platforms. However, we still want to check what is going on. Thanks for your reply in advance.

4 years 59 days ago
Well, it could be that it´s better for you to just ask them straight out if they wish to have a new member in their Cabal, and they could quite simply send you an invite.

it could also be that the ones you try to apply to, have closed their invites.

But when this is said, it is also very important for you to also know that it may be some options in your machine´s Options/Settings that you may have on that you may not have noticed is on. Which again is also affecting many other games as well. This is VERY often regarding and in the extremely important case of Consoles. Check it thouroghly, and be extremely sure that you have the correct options ON, and also that the correct ones is OFF.