All void shards gone from stash


Was busy on working to finish the seasonal complete all voids crusades and was about to start the next one only to find that all the void crystals has disappeared from my stash. Had enough to do about 2x of all crusades. Currently level 82 and I really don't want to re-grind to find all the crystals again. :( Any one has the same happening to them. Any way to fix this ? EDIT : I think more more than just the shards are gone. Also missing about lots of intel missions. Seems like what ever was in tab 4 is gone. Not sure if the auto sort broke something. :(

This post was edited 4 years 44 days ago by BLaaR
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All void shards gone from stash
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4 years 38 days ago

All items, once put into stash, get marked so after a relog you should see them again in your stash. Please check on it and let us know if you still cannot see them.