Can't Find Prophecy in XB1 Store


I've been searching a bunch of different ways to find Prophecy in the XB store and can't find it.  I did notice after the game patched today that you can click on the Prophecy in the character select newsfeed screen and it DOES take you to the store but it usually says is available at XX:XX PM on XX/XX/XXXX date.  It just has a redeem code button.  Usually Thursday game releases are available at 9pm PST on Wednesday night.  Is this going to follow the typical template or something else.

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Can't Find Prophecy in XB1 Store
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5 years 9 days ago
I found it off of the newsfeed this morning and was able to buy.
5 years 9 days ago

My way buying Prophecy was from Martyr mainscreen, where we choose our characters, this way it worked since this morning and it was the correct price.

In the Emperor we trust!

This comment was edited 5 years 9 days ago by maledicus
5 years 10 days ago
Zippo 0nline
Please re-check it, Microsoft got corrected the store issue and the game is available individually now.
5 years 10 days ago
It is in the store now but as stated its only purchase option is in the 39.99 bundle
5 years 10 days ago
It is in the store, but it can't be purchased. The only purchase option is through the complete upgrade pack, which is $39.99 USD, which is obviously not the $20 we were told it was going to be.
5 years 10 days ago
You should be able to see it in the Xbox store now!
5 years 10 days ago
You will most likely find Prophecy in the Xbox store within an hour but this is not certain as the exact release hours always depend on Microsoft. I will spread the news once its out!
5 years 10 days ago
It is 2022 PST at the time of my post which means still almost 40 mins as your post says 3 hrs ago.

As for the redeem code and no release date in store that is because Neocore stated there was no preorder and you had to wait til 13 Feb