Cant continue main story line


So I was playing the mission where you have to get the map on the Martyr, right after you find the martyr the second time, and I completed the mission and hit the ps4 big button to finish and it acted like it was going to go to the mission complete complete screen but then went back to the area where I finished the mission without my character.  It stayed there for a couple minutes and then it sent me back to the deck of the ship.  It didnt give me any of my items, I believe it did give me a ton a money, I couldnt buy any items b/c the shop was blank, and the mission still showed as if I had not completed it.  I went back to try and see if it would let me play it again but it wouldnt and now I cant continue the story.  I restarted the game and my playstation and its still a no go.  "I just started back playing the story after doing some side missions on several different planets to beef up my crusader.

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Cant continue main story line
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6 years 119 days ago
hey!  it worked for me!  finally!!!

thx guys for the hard work!!!

and btw, the mission "vipers nest, pushing back the rebels" is way too much demanding graphically for the console(ps4)  it is sooo laggy........


6 years 128 days ago

Hello,same Prob Here hope devs fix it till the end of Next Week.bow to the Emperor 

This comment was edited 6 years 128 days ago by Bloodpile
6 years 128 days ago
We made some fixes yesterday please check on it if you can proceed. If not please get back to me here with your PSN/Gamertag as well as your character's name.
6 years 130 days ago
Posted by Agatha 6 years 130 days ago

Sorry for delay with response.
I can't continue the main campaign.

It doesn't matter, staff members seem to have deserted the board ^^

I hope it's because all staff members are mobilized to work on bug fixes.

6 years 130 days ago

Sorry for delay with response.
I can't continue the main campaign.

6 years 136 days ago
Comon i just wanna finish my campain i got 2 character now bugged its a real joke plz help ppl men whe paid for your game whe want a product finish my psn gamertag is macflyy007 plz do something your gonna lose a lot of ppl
6 years 136 days ago

@MARCOPOLOCS‍   I've been waiting over a week and I still can't play any of the story or the side missions, will you please fix this?  Also, when I hit the PS button and do other things it freezes up my playstation.  I've had to pull the power plug multiple times while playing this game.  What gives????

6 years 139 days ago
I'm. Having the same issues.

 Crash 2 seconds into loading the mission into the vipers den. 2 of 6.  And push back the rebels. As well as another priority mission. But the name eludes me.

 Psn: blackmist_ffxi

 Character: blackmist ( iirc) havent been on for a week after a day of attempting progression. And meeting nothing but crashes

6 years 139 days ago
6 years 140 days ago
I was streaming The Alpha Pariah investigation on PS4 and completed the first mission when the game hung for a minute or two after teleporting out before loading the loading screen. The victory condition screen was bypassed and I found myself on the command bridge at 0/6 for The Alpha Pariah and no way to get back to the missions or the Martyr via the star chart or activities quick launch. As such, I cannot proceed through the main story anymore.

PSN: Noxiddar
Character: Noxiddar

6 years 140 days ago
I am in the same boat. I can't continue the main storyline - no option to do so. and  Viper"s Best blue screens my ps4. If there's a work around can you please apply it.

Psn: Rifter__Jay (that's two underscores)

Chharacter name is Cerius Ghast.

6 years 140 days ago
Soo 4 days later? Nothing?
6 years 141 days ago

The same behaviour here (with all 3 classes): Main story "in German: Nest der Viper" crashes at begin of the mission (teleport in). A second crash bug i have at the another mission "in German: Vorboten des Hasses" (crash at loading the mission)

and there are several bad translations, too

Sorry, guys but this game isn't really developed finish yet...

6 years 141 days ago
wow lots of problems with that particular mission.......
6 years 141 days ago
Hello, I am also having problems with crashes on a particular level. Specifically '' Pushing back the rebels'' Under the Vipers Nest questline. The level loads normally and crashes as soon as the Inquisitor teleports in.

PSN account is Stoninater, character name is the same. Thanks.

6 years 141 days ago

Not sure if this is a Psyker error or a storyline error.  It’s not Nest of Vipers.  I’m like lvl 9 and trying to finish the 3rd location mission in trying to find the Magos Biologis to repair the Space Marine.  I find her, finished the mission, but then ran into the same problem that others have mentioned... delay in teleporting out, seeing a loading screen, then being shown the same map level screen where I just teleported out of - no character visible, but I could pan the camera as if he was there, then another load screen until I finally made it back to the command deck of the ship.  I don’t believe any of the gear I found in the level made it back with me.  After that, there is no option to select the mission again, and the mission listing shows I still need to complete it.

PSN ID:  Ryokoosha_152

Character:  Prothius (I think)

Class:  Psyker


6 years 142 days ago
hello there.

i have crash issues in the viper's nest mission, more precisely in the sub mission 'pushing back the rebels'. it keeps crashing half way through the mission around a rebel outpost near the crashed plane....ive been trying for about 15 times in total but no luck, the game crash(blue screen) and i have to restart the game so i can't go further in the campaign.........

thank you

6 years 142 days ago
You mean you have crash issue during the mission? Or you cannot proceed in the main story line? 
6 years 144 days ago
R u gonna give something for the waste of time ? U pay 80$ and cant do the full campain plz finish your game before the lauch its a real joke
6 years 145 days ago

Same PC - Muminballe
Character - Muminballe

6 years 145 days ago

Same thing with Flavius Draken's quest line.

PSN - Agata_Delakrua
Character - Syrina de Friga


6 years 146 days ago
We are on it!

@ELTUEUR‍ we are still working on the patch therefore I cannot give an ETA on it. 

6 years 146 days ago
@MARCOPOLOCS‍ You have fixed the issue SORT OF... I could play the campaign again this afternoon, I had to do the mission that it quit working on again, same issue with after the mission, it still took me back to the area I finished in and waited a few minutes until it got to the mission complete screen then to the get your items screen... when I got back to the deck of the ship and tried to sell my stuff/buy stuff it didn't want to work, and when it did there was a 2-4 second delay from the time I hit the sell button to when it actually sold it and took it off my menu... HERE is the SORT OF issue... I finished the mission it messed up on originally, started to play through the Talk to the Spirit of the Martyr missions and the same issues started to happen again that I mentioned above, got done with the second mission on that Story and I can't play the Campaign AGAIN, sorry for the ALL CAPS but this is very aggravating, I spent $80 to get this with the DLC and I just want to play the game, I love the Warhammer universe and all, but I JUST WANT TO PLAY THE GAME... PLEASE HELPPPP MEEEE... please let me know what I can do to make this quit happening...

6 years 146 days ago
U have a date for the patch ?
6 years 146 days ago
any word yet on a fix for my issue?  do you need any more details?
6 years 146 days ago
That crash issue has been fixed the next patch will contain the changes! 
6 years 147 days ago
Its viper nest for me too
6 years 147 days ago

I trie to do a campain mission and it always kick me off the game and i have to restart the game can u help me plz

6 years 147 days ago
We are on it!
6 years 147 days ago
Wish mine was, smh...
6 years 148 days ago
Seems to be working again. Time to purge some heretics.
6 years 148 days ago

PSN: GlassPark 

character name: Sparker

Thank you

6 years 148 days ago
not sure what my caracters id is, I'm at work, it is my only character, I don't think I changed the characters name from the default...
6 years 148 days ago

My playstation id is cardiackid83

6 years 149 days ago
Please share your PSN/Gamertag as well as the Character's name which stuck. We will fix this issue!


6 years 149 days ago

I'm having the same exact problem