Campaign mission The Martyr - Uther's Tomb



First, some background details : I was stopped in campaign Uther's Tomb, at a point where we have to talk to Captain Ragna Van Wynter (5/8 clues found so far) : a green exclamation mark was over her head but when i pressed X to talk i had the previous mission end dialogue and then I couldn't talk to Ragna, I couldn't sell any loot and the green exclamation mark was still over her head. I couldn't go on to the campaign mission

Today : when I went to talk to Ragna as I do for a few days already, to see if, by any chance, I could go on playing the campaign, I realized that I could access the shop => buy and sell items.

But the green exclamation mark is still over her head and the Uther's Tomb story mission is still blocked at the same point.

I must say that being able to sell/buy helps a lot for side missions (tarot, ...)

So my question is, as the characters saves are on NeocoreGames servers, isn't it possible to reset my Uther's Tomb story mission to the beginning (I'll redo the missions, no worries) as if i just unlocked it ?

PSN ID : KiLLyoX69

Character ID : Irix (AI) : assassin infiltrator

Store Page
Campaign mission The Martyr - Uther's Tomb
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2 years 202 days ago
Posted by McMendes 2 years 202 days ago
It seems that this bug is back after the server migration... Any chance of a fix?
Yeah, looks like quests that were at a certain stage (requiring dialogue on command deck?) seem to have bugged either the quest or the questgiver, or both.
2 years 202 days ago
It seems that this bug is back after the server migration... Any chance of a fix?
3 years 274 days ago
Thanks for your patience. We just fixed it. 
3 years 276 days ago
Posted by Rotheric 3 years 282 days ago
hi, seems like an old thread but i seem to be having this problem as well. im on Xbox, gamer tag Rotheric Sins character name is same as gamer tag ( Rotheric Sins) i cant even access the shop. I was actually given the mission before hand leading up to this with the "crimson wanderer" twice. im not sure if thats what caused the bug for me but ever since iv been stuck with Miss Van Wynter saying the same dialogue before not wanting to talk anymore. thanks.
Hello, this just happend to my charecter, but on PC. My account name is Nejdan and my charecter name is Mortus.

Thanks and Love from Sweden

3 years 281 days ago
hey Marco, yeah that apears to have fixed it, Thanks for the quick responce! 
3 years 282 days ago
Can you check if it's working now? :)
3 years 282 days ago
hi, seems like an old thread but i seem to be having this problem as well. im on Xbox, gamer tag Rotheric Sins character name is same as gamer tag ( Rotheric Sins) i cant even access the shop. I was actually given the mission before hand leading up to this with the "crimson wanderer" twice. im not sure if thats what caused the bug for me but ever since iv been stuck with Miss Van Wynter saying the same dialogue before not wanting to talk anymore. thanks.
6 years 147 days ago
Hi, I had the good surprise today, I could talk to Ragna and it allowed me to continue Uther's Tomb story mission :))

Thanks for unlocking this situation :)

I don't know how you did but it works, you'll probably have a lot of requests from other players ^^

6 years 149 days ago
Can you also do the same for my character Xbox user is keek69 and character is KRULL lvl 36 says I completed the mission but the store is locked and a green exclamation mark above her head.
6 years 150 days ago

This just happened to me yesterday I am also stuck can't get past the green mark abover her head and pressing A button does nothing and can't access the store.  Please get my character past this glitch I don't want to have to restart the game with A new character.  this is the only issue i have run into so far, but this is a big one if I can't progress through the campaign.My xbox live is keek69 my character name is KRULL level 36 I believe.Thank you

6 years 150 days ago
Thank you for the screenshots! I will urge our devs to fix it sooner!
6 years 151 days ago

Here are 2 screenshots showing the point where I'm stuck

6 years 151 days ago

Hi, I am still stuck with the campaign mission :(

I can talk to Ragna to sell/buy items BUT she has green exclamation mark over her head.

And I can't progress anymore in campaign Uther's Tomb, at a point where we have to talk to Captain Ragna Van Wynter (5/8 clues found so far).

Please, can you push forward for unlocking my progress, i finished everything except the story mission.

I don't mind if I have to redo all Uther's Tomb missions, I'd just like to see the end of the story ;)

I can take screenshot of my progress in campaign mission and of the screen showing Ragna with exclamation mark and progress on Uther's Tomb mission if you find it helpful.

Thanks in advance

6 years 155 days ago

Thank you for providing the details, I forwarded your PSN to our devs who will fix your character's progress in the shortest time possible!