Cabal's mandatory?


Hi, I'm a solo player & recently I started a Cabal just to see the tech tree. Now although I'm an initial founder I'd be lying if I said I'd tested loads during the last year. I go to sea for periods of time that didn't lend to extensive testing plus if I'm being honest knowing I wasn't getting the Witch Hunter style Inquisitor I was hoping for dampened my spirits too (Psyker is of no interest to me & I'm male so don't want to play a female which rules out assassin which kinda leaves me with crusader but what the hay).

But don't get me wrong I was still happy I'd opted in early as a show of support for a project I think is awesome. However one thing that is massively bugging me is the Rogue trader line in the Cabal tech tree. All the other stuff is fine bonuses for grouping, fine & dandy more power to the multiplayers but the one store in game selling me less & charging me more because I play alone is annoying to say the least. Grouping up is more efficient in arpgs always has been & usually has loot bonuses, pretty sure D2 did it, I know D3 did.

But the Rogue Trader line actively penalizes solo play. You want to push Cabal play fair do's but do you not think there's another method without gating the store? Essentially I'm saying while I wish solo play was equal I accept it wont ever be but by the same token it shouldn't be a black mark (which is massively ironic considering the subject matter is the archetypal lone wolves of the Imperium).

Thanks for your time ;)

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Cabal's mandatory?
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6 years 309 days ago
I've been around since the old forums (mostly lurking) so of course I know of the Mighty Snakefist! Mayhaps I'll join ye one day;) But Neocore have me already, it wasn't so much a personal issue but me thinking of player rention post release, I'm noticing alot of players stall in chat & was thinking of ways easing our passage to end game, the Rogue trader branch merely presented me an obvious one. I've played way too many games tbh & realised quite early (I think anyway, probably slower than some of you pros) that until you reach end game there is essentially one stat & that is power level, maybe HP/ mitigation to a lesser extent but raising it is paramount & doing so steadily makes for a smoother flowing game.

 I had a QoL concern for solo players & posted it, I honestly didn't expect to draw such ire. Wether it stays or gos I'll still be there with a pair of plasma pistols purging heretics, hopefully having decided what secondary weapon to use before EA ends.

I think the debate here is done, you can find me in game (same name) if you wish to add something (but please no hate mail xD).

6 years 310 days ago
Who other would be so Understanding as The Mighty Snakefist! 12 years of Diablo2, 98% soloing, rest LAN with friends - the rare occasions on bnet, found only repulsive or overconfident or simply uninteresting types - which had a 'draw steel, boy' Resolution and, well, Snakfist *did* played it for 12 years...

But! Overhere, by the lucky set of circumstances, he met a group of people who are like-minded and devoted players... until they got tired of alphas which didn't bring much...

Now, you can found Mighty Snakefist and join our Glorious Cabal, only active member am I - so I decide who lives and who dies :) Until the launch - Snakefist refused to temporary leave cabal and join other, though He is a Known Fanatic and would contributed to any Cabal. 

Mighty Snakefist is also pursuing the same goal - to see end of Rogue Trader branch (we have seen two of them, and honestly they are crap, unworthy). Haven't seen the last one or two, though - and that's actually one of my goals before release. You don't have to talk or coop or anything, beside Cabal missions - Snakefist does many, and He pays for everything because of His Vast Wealth.

Mighty Snakefists initial intention was to play Lone Wolf, as you desire. Anyhow, He plays every day, and has Mighty Power and Means to finish all Cabal missions (except Cabal extermination, which appeared as a first oh too many times - once he did it all, killed 16,000 mobs but it was boring, extremely)

6 years 310 days ago
It is. Coop leveling is faster than solo. Most ppl are not saying stop that so solo can run the same. This is not just one thing to take from cabals but it is a start. All systems have problems, you just work around them not take away the good things.
6 years 310 days ago

It's really not a case of entitlement, I just don't see the purpose of that line of upgrades being in the cabal tech tree rather than the standard one, you realize it has a whole other line of group based buffs that I didn't make any remarks about. If Cabals need that line to be a viable entity then the system has much bigger problems.

If you feel there's a right or wrong in feedback then have fun with that ;) I've already noted my opinion as stated in my previous post. It's not going to make me change the way I play & I'm not going to lose any sleep over not having Rogue trader buffs because I'm a solo player, As Irrele pointed out when you reach end game it will be of no consequence. 

6 years 311 days ago
Posted by Seydlitz 6 years 311 days ago
Whilst I appreciate your perspective, I'm inclined to disagree. If I play an mmo I accept mandatory group play but in an arpg it should be optional. It's hard to argue the point as I don't feel this is a "I'm right your wrong" matter but more a matter of perception. I've left an outline of my perspective, the dev's will consider it or they wont but now I know I've done all in my power to address said concern.
It's a case of right or wrong. Its a case of entitlement and I want what they are having for playing a different way. If they did remove/or add the cabal features to everyone they might as well get rid of cabal's. I hate PvP but I you get different things from it thats fine with me. I still would not do it,. 
6 years 311 days ago
More inquisitors who join to follow one common goal are more "powerfull" then on stray. Why would someone change the obvious? Cabals are not madatory in any way but if you want to benefit from it you need to stick with it. If you don't want to the world don't come to a sudden end because of it you just don't have all the benefits at your hand and have to invest more time. 

Beeing in a Cabal helps but in the long run there is little difference because of seasonal content.

6 years 311 days ago
Whilst I appreciate your perspective, I'm inclined to disagree. If I play an mmo I accept mandatory group play but in an arpg it should be optional. It's hard to argue the point as I don't feel this is a "I'm right your wrong" matter but more a matter of perception. I've left an outline of my perspective, the dev's will consider it or they wont but now I know I've done all in my power to address said concern.
6 years 311 days ago
Dam, in Wow I had a guild of just me and 15 alt's(and one of my wife's to invite them). Sad as it maybe I loved and was very proud of it. There is no reason you can't in this game get one to lvl 5-6 on your own in this game to get the rogue trader stuff.
6 years 311 days ago

I am a full on solo player. That does not mean I have to dis. cabal play or join co-op. I love that cabal's are a big part of play in this game. There needs to be end game play and cabal building is a big part of it. If you don't want to be part of one or help one that's fine, but really.

I am sure if you told other members of your leave there would be no issue's. Most of my cabal know that I play solo and they are fine with it. Rogue trader Does not penalize solo play at all. It just gives more incentive to work for stuff in game. Just because you are in one does not force you to run with them or even spam cabal chat. It is great to log on and just have ppl say hello.