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- Inventory storage, inoculator bug and submission bug
Inventory storage, inoculator bug and submission bug
Warhammer 40K Bug Report
6 years 313 days ago
Hi everybody ! Sorry for my bad english (and for the very bad google traduction).
Often, after the acquisition of new combat equipment (exemple, after unblocking the heavy plasma launcher and explosive mines) the inventory and storage of equipment made screen freeze. Alt - F4 not used, ctrl - alt - suppr and deconnexion for live game. Sorry, I don't have screenshot because screen freeze =/
Here it is only a display bug. All of my submission techshrine did that to me. (2 examples from 2 different missions.)
Here, no map and no mini-map. I don't say know.
And to finish, here, the inoculator say me 1 charge but I take all of charge. And then I click here, nothing, however he always appears with a remaining charge.
To give you an idea of my PC, here they are:
Processeur: Intel(R) Core (TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.40 GHz
RAM memory: 8.00 Go
graphic card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950
I hope these reports will be useful to you. For an alpha test, your game is fluid, true to the universe and somewhat addictive.
Thank !
(PS: When I hope to see Chaos Warrior in playable characters ? =P)
This post was
6 years 313 days ago by
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