bugs for version 0.0.4c


1) On map: Kingstone to help Sir Yvain. Enemy stepped over Sir Balin. So when my turn happend enemy was on same spot as Sir Balin and actually Sir Ballin could atack him from exactly same spot.  Some happend on the mission Ancient Throne with top right enemy (humans in military camp).

2) Loyality points disapear. Maybe because of hits to vitality  ( not to HP). For example Sir Key should have at least +2 after forgivness. Lady Dindraine after walk to library should have +2 ( 6 in total) however  after the 1AFK mission not only  she wasn`t  loyalty 6 but also droped to 2 after Ancient Throne mission.

3) Game crashes in mision Dungeons of Camelot when 3 same infantry would try to atack Sir Key in narrow space ( 1 tile) on first fight ( when you don`t want to pay 100g)- Sir Key preserved ap in order to get more armor (feature from armor). Also when Crossbowman tries to fire behind full cover - it crashes. 

4) After loading save from camelot, it shows highlighted rectangle on every possible to complete mision. 

bugs for version 0.0.4c
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3 years 244 days ago
Hey there,

thanks for all the reports!

1) This will be hard to find since we tried to reproduce the bug based on a similar report. Nevertheless, we will give it a try with Sir Balin.

2) We found the issue and will fix it in our next update.

3) The crash reports are sent to us so you can expect fixes in this regard too

4) Could you please send us your save file? We would like to use it to reproduce this problem. Please send it to [email protected]. The file can be found in your Document folder. Thanks in advance!