Bug Report


I finally had some time to run my first mission tonight. A "Purge" mission. 

Generally everything ran smooth...

1. Plasma Cannon - showing only the base wire-frame with a white layer, no detail.

2. Could not complete the mission due one enemy stuck between walls.

3. Can not access Inventory during mission?

This post was edited 8 years 47 days ago by Helstaag Rus
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Bug Report
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8 years 47 days ago

Thanks for the heads up, we are on to these issues.

Try verifiying game cache via Steam and see if it helps - the wireframe issue seems like a corrupted download to me.

If you can, always attach screenshots so we can identify stuff easier - thanks a lot!

This comment was edited 8 years 47 days ago by Megapull
8 years 47 days ago

When killing enemies some of them freezes in a standing position.some of them have some kind of ragdoll system.

also a small suggestion about camera changing angle with wasd keys would be great.

This comment was edited 8 years 47 days ago by Zeuez78
8 years 47 days ago
Forgott to mention when choosing graphic settings to high settings or custom , it ressets every time the game reboot.

This will be a great game and i realy love it.