Several Bugs ive run into so far!


First and foremost need to say, you guys are my heroes, this is exactly the game I didnt know i needed!

Now to the current issues!
I've noticed the game tends to crash when changing weapons in match. Happened to me on several occasions. Happens after combat when changing back to the main weapon.

Secondly, Ultrawide monitors. I run one at 2560x1080, and the UI is allllll over the place, it wont even let me revert it back to 1920x1080 it stretches things and places them in random spots. Can get screenshots if needed.

If any of these have been addressed apologies in advance!

Hope to see you on the battlefield!


This post was edited 8 years 44 days ago by jake heard
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Several Bugs ive run into so far!
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8 years 44 days ago

Thanks for the feedback, we area already aware of these issues, and  I have added this to our bug tracker. We'll try and fix this ASAP.