BUG: Assassins cannot generate adrenaline?


Hi guys, aren't assassins supposed to generate adrenaline by killing/hurting enemies?

Why am I not seeing this?

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BUG: Assassins cannot generate adrenaline?
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5 years 58 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 5 years 58 days ago

I can confirm now, the Bodysurge does not work with Fabricatus Distortion Armour. This indeed is a bug, nice catch, we will fix it ASAP!

5 years 58 days ago

I can confirm now, the Bodysurge does not work with Fabricatus Distortion Armour. This indeed is a bug, nice catch, we will fix it ASAP!

5 years 58 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 5 years 59 days ago
Yes, hitting champions like the Scourge, Grotesque etc. will give you Adrenaline!:)
Ok, thx for this info.
5 years 59 days ago
Yes, hitting champions like the Scourge, Grotesque etc. will give you Adrenaline!:)
5 years 59 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 5 years 59 days ago

It will take time until I can confirm or deny whether its a bug.
On the other hand you can also notice that even if you hit an enemy your Adrenaline increases slightly.

I don't notice the adrenaline increased on hit...do you know how much it's supposed to increase by?

Because for regular mobs, I literally wouldn't be able to see any increase, seeing as how KILLING them all gives me +1.

Since champs give +10 on kill, maybe shooting them a bit will give me a couple of points.

I will check today after work.

5 years 59 days ago

It will take time until I can confirm or deny whether its a bug.
On the other hand you can also notice that even if you hit an enemy your Adrenaline increases slightly.

5 years 60 days ago
Posted by treecargarage 5 years 61 days ago
Also, do you know if "Bodysurge" in Bloodlust works with Fabricatus Distortion Armour?

I just tried now, and it wasn't giving me double adrenaline in surprise state (eg, Chaos marine gave me +10 instead of +20).

Hey Marco, any update on this? If it's an actual bug, do you know if it will be fixed in the upcoming patch?
5 years 61 days ago
Also, do you know if "Bodysurge" in Bloodlust works with Fabricatus Distortion Armour?

I just tried now, and it wasn't giving me double adrenaline in surprise state (eg, Chaos marine gave me +10 instead of +20).

5 years 61 days ago

Marco, do sins generate adrenaline only when they kill? I just tested now, and it's stange that at times, I didn't notice it going up. It clearly increases...

+1 per regular group

+10 for champs

Maybe the +1 per trash mob is what led me to believe that it's not increasing.

Anyway, I will do some more testing, cause now I'm curious to see how much each enemy type gives.

This comment was edited 5 years 61 days ago by treecargarage
5 years 61 days ago
Maybe the game hates me...I will do further testing today.
5 years 62 days ago

That would be strange if your class resource would not go up as this works perfectly fine in the game. By hitting and killing enemies,  the adrenaline properly increases.