BoltGun Versus Multi-Melta


In the Tabletop the Answer is obvious. You would choose the Multi-Melta, because that's what a Multi-Melta is for. So why is this so flipped in this? I'm seriously trying to figure out when a Multi-Melta is useful in this... The Plasma Cannon is WAY better, but I still wanted to run With the multi-Melta and compare it to a Standard Boltgun... While the Multi-Melta could certainly take out a ton of weak enemies (Like a flamer... but not as well as a Heavy Flamer...) it was struggling against any thing with Armor.

I cleared the level with my Boltgun because the Multi-Melta Barely made a scratch in a Plague Marine.

Multi-Melta is supposed to be Anti-Armour, so you would think that it should shred a dreadnought. Nope.

Please buff the Multi-Melta. Currently it's like a Weak version of a Heavy Flamer.

This post was edited 7 years 364 days ago by Treyus
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BoltGun Versus Multi-Melta
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7 years 364 days ago
Posted by Voarag 7 years 364 days ago
I haven't used one yet since I can't get through more than 5-10 mins without a crash.

However, based on your description clearly the MM needs work.

Should be a slow firing high damage/penetration weapon. Useless against hordes. Excellent against single heavily armored targets. 

That's what I was expecting, but It's more like a Concentrated Flamer.
7 years 364 days ago
I haven't used one yet since I can't get through more than 5-10 mins without a crash.

However, based on your description clearly the MM needs work.

Should be a slow firing high damage/penetration weapon. Useless against hordes. Excellent against single heavily armored targets.