Assassin Voiceovers dissonance in Prophecy


When I continued the story from Martyr with my Assassin and went into the prophecy campaign, it felt odd. The spark in her voice feels like it is gone, and she sounds like she stumbles over her own words at the speed at which she is talking. Quite dissapointing.

Then I started thinking, what if it is not the voice actors fault, but if the lines are somehow sped up or otherwise changed to create this dissonance between the Martyr and Prophecy voiceovers. If it is indeed sped up, would it be possible to fix?

Can any dev shed light on this?

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Assassin Voiceovers dissonance in Prophecy
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5 years 201 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 5 years 201 days ago
This has been forwarded to our sound engineer, he will check if its voice has any problem! 
Thanks Marco, much appreciated!
5 years 201 days ago
This has been forwarded to our sound engineer, he will check if its voice has any problem!