Assassin power sword so good


not very interest in melee with the Assassin Class, until this patch bring us the Assassin Power Sword, I wont say it was OP for now, but it's so good, I didnt loot any but i crafted 4-5 Sword and try with different situation, the result is pretty ideal, whatever status u got from the crafting, the quick cooldown for the last 2 skills are msotly useful, most of the time i only use the last 2 skill for jump to the target and made a area damage to nearby enemies, and them the charge skill to focus on the target, not feeling the Assassin is a DPS class but could also act as tank in some situation with the Sword. I'm not even using a purple Sword, just a green one and its too good for most of the situation in game so far

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Assassin power sword so good
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7 years 282 days ago
Posted by Megapull 7 years 282 days ago
Thanks for your feedback, we'll evaluate the new weapons after a while and balance them if necessary :)

that's nice, so far i dont feel the sword is op but maybe it made the other melee weapons feel a little bit useless compare to it, so maybe also need to balance the other melee weapons

7 years 282 days ago
Thanks for your feedback, we'll evaluate the new weapons after a while and balance them if necessary :)