AoE Psyker - From too much to nothing


I was thinking pretty much the whole day about if I should write something about what bothers me and after playing again for a bit.. here I am. So let me tell you a tale about a fantastic Psyker build... and the drastic downfall of it.

Playing a Psyker for me was big fun from the beginning, but after a while it got harder and harder to deal with certain types of enemies and with higher powerlevels overall. So there I was, thinking and grinding, grinding and thinking what I should build. AoE it was that came to my young mind, because if you burn heretics... just burn them all at once, right? Right.

After a little bit and a while of theorycrafting (or what I call "welp that sounds good enough") my build was finished and it had one big center piece: Firestorm... a  spell so mighty that even the biggest heretic would burn to ashes in just a few seconds. Combined with some low-warpheat dizzle and dazzle and some cooldown reduction here and there I had an (to my opinion) ultimate build to rush through even the toughest of maps with joy and big freaking fireworks!

It was great! But that's the thing... it was.

I really don't know exactly what changed, if it is just the mobs that got stronger with time or some skill-bug that got fixed that made my favorite build just OP, but here I am, stuck with a Psyker build, complete max powerlevel gear I farmed hard for to support my build and all is way harder than it was a couple of days (or weeks idk) ago.

But enough with this bad tale, let's hear some random numbers, because numbers are important, right? right!

Unholy Cathedral - I know there were some changes made and stuff, but how come I am just barely able to get to 6 minutes when before I was easily able to do about.. 20 minutes?

Tarot missions - my favorite thing to do (at least to farm XP and relics)... always doing them on extreme (so around powerlevel 1700) and it was easy... way to easy to be honest and it's okay to change it there a bit. But(!) +200 powerlevel results in what? about -50% dmg dealt? How the heck is it possible that my Firestorm oneshotted every single trashmob with ease and now I have to use at least 2 Firestorms on a mission with -30% dmg dealt just to kill some random sidedudes? 

Yes I know Retrograde Psychic Dominion got nerfed and stuff, but a reduction of 1/4 shouldn't result in a felt dmg reduction of 1/2, now should it?

Long story short: I really don't know what has changed, I heard something about AoE tree got fixed or something and yes I know some perks got nerfed but.. please, you've destroyed AoE Psyker in my opinion and made it just not viable for max lvl anymore. Maybe it's just me and I'm fine with standing alone in this but right now I'm sitting here and just don't know what to do. Every item I farmed for and every skillpoint I spent just feels wasted and I don't feel like just going from meta build to meta build with every little patch.

I'm not saying you should go back to that super OP form of an AoE Psyker.. just maybe.. make it a little bit stronger again?

This post was edited 6 years 245 days ago by spanni
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AoE Psyker - From too much to nothing
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6 years 244 days ago
Posted by Pham Nuwen 6 years 244 days ago

The biggest impact change is that Optimal Dispersion was fixed.  Pretty sure it was doing +10% damage per enemy instead of the 1% it was supposed to.  Decimals are hard.

Contextually I'm fine with the AoE nerf.  It was absolutely OP that you could use Witchfire/Firestorm/Hemmorage to kill everything, elites and champions in any kind of armor, in 1 to 2 hits.  Even after the nerf it's still completely fine for killing hordes in 1 shot and normal mobs in 1 to 2 hits on impossible difficulties.  It just means that now you need a dedicated single target spell like Molten Beam+Armor Pierce for the "bosses", which is fine cause AoE shouldn't do that anyways.

The problem is that the AoE tree is now pointless.  Maxing it doesn't get you enough damage to be effective against a higher tier of enemies and leaving it empty still makes you more than effective enough against everything else with damage increases from other sources.  It isn't even worth going in a little for increased aoe size range, you're better off just getting CD reduction so you can cast more.

Yes, the AoE tree is highly overrated. :D

I guess the central skill is the one people embrace most, which can be a significant cd reduction for witchfire or some of the spells.

6 years 244 days ago

The biggest impact change is that Optimal Dispersion was fixed.  Pretty sure it was doing +10% damage per enemy instead of the 1% it was supposed to.  Decimals are hard.

Contextually I'm fine with the AoE nerf.  It was absolutely OP that you could use Witchfire/Firestorm/Hemmorage to kill everything, elites and champions in any kind of armor, in 1 to 2 hits.  Even after the nerf it's still completely fine for killing hordes in 1 shot and normal mobs in 1 to 2 hits on impossible difficulties.  It just means that now you need a dedicated single target spell like Molten Beam+Armor Pierce for the "bosses", which is fine cause AoE shouldn't do that anyways.

The problem is that the AoE tree is now pointless.  Maxing it doesn't get you enough damage to be effective against a higher tier of enemies and leaving it empty still makes you more than effective enough against everything else with damage increases from other sources.  It isn't even worth going in a little for increased aoe size range, you're better off just getting CD reduction so you can cast more.

This comment was edited 6 years 244 days ago by Pham Nuwen