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Warhammer 40K NewsInquisitors,
we have some really good news for you all!
Besides the new Inquisitorial Season coming later this year, we're happy to announce that an entire new playable class, an Inquisitor with an Adepta Sororitas background, is coming soon as a DLC.
Fans of the Warhammer 40,000 universe are surely familiar with the Adepta Sororitas. The Sisters of Battle are devout followers of the Emperor, and a bastion against corruption and heresy across the Imperium. They lay waste to the heretics with a wide array of weaponry ranging from Flamers to Blessed Blades and Neural Whips, however, their faith is said to be a weapon stronger than any steel. Through this zealous faith they invoke powers beyond measure to perform Saintly Deeds, silencing every last heretic's final cries.
The Sisters of Battle class will bring new mechanics and artifact types to Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor as well.
Players will be able to access various Acts of Faith to empower their characters and allies or smite their enemies, as well as further customize their playstyle through the Sacred Rite passive skills. With strong enough Faith, the Sister of Battle will be able to transform into Embodied Saint form gain access to a wide array of unique abilities, feared across the entire Caligari Sector.
The new playable class DLC is arriving in 2022, first on PC, and later on consoles.
The Emperor Protects.
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Awesome !
Guys believe it or not, I got some special feelings that something might happen today so I login the forum and wow ! I cann't believe my eyes. It really happens !
I can't wait to play Adepta Sororitas now. Thanks for the good work !
(By the way, some existing mechanisms such as sniper/execution also needs some love and attention :) )
The Emperor protects !
May it also somehow expand the campaign or adding extra content besides the class itself and its related items?
The most underrated ARPG continues to get better and better
Well. We already have WH40K Chaos Gate in sight, and now the Adepta Sororitas Class coming to Inquisitor Martyr. 2022 is then already better than 2021. As said on the neuro-Twitter, what must be done to make it perfect, is to add this class along a new Season, for we can enjoy it even more. Anyway, great news, so ... thanks.
One thing though. Sick of starting a new character for each season.
Curious about how the morality system will work. With Sororitas, there can be only the Puritan tree! Or will there be a Double-Plus-Puritan tree for them?
So no, for those who wonder, this will not be a free addition, this will be a pay for getting DLC. And why should it actually be FREE?! No, this is paid for, as it should be. But I do not expect it to be cost $15-$20 either. But I do expect it to cost at least $5-$10 for this DLC.
And I know. Whether this is free or costs money, there will be and is whiners and complainers out there. There are always some people out there.
Otherwise, I look forward to this and will make sure to have my Wallet ready, the day it releases.
I didn't know about her, tbh. But since she seems to be the only one to have fallen, she's not exactly a template for the whole class.
In all honestly I've just gotten the game, but I love some Sisters, so hoping this will be a good one.
So will she be added with her own campaign like the Tech Priest was, please?
So no, for those who wonder, this will not be a free addition, this will be a pay for getting DLC. And why should it actually be FREE?! No, this is paid for, as it should be. But I do not expect it to be cost $15-$20 either. But I do expect it to cost at least $5-$10 for this DLC.
And I know. Whether this is free or costs money, there will be and is whiners and complainers out there. There are always some people out there.
Otherwise, I look forward to this and will make sure to have my Wallet ready, the day it releases.
You think it will be like prophecy with a new Character?
I'd love to see the Tech Adept and later the Sister both be able to play the base game as well. Not sure if this can be worked in or not.
The only thing I want to say if anything about this now is that the price is actually right and a fair one. And for that we will know the day when it is released.
@D00MER the Sororitas class will have the same starting point as the base classes in Martyr. So it won't be like the Tech-Adept. :)
It won't receive a separate story-line though.
Okay, now, that is usually June/July. We may even have to wait till August. I don´t think it even counts as COMING SOON any longer.
But then again, what do I know??!? I seen things being worked on as COMING SOON, and then I came back 12 months laters to check up on progress, and it STILL is announced as COMING SOON! FFS!!?! Lol.
Is there any chance for me to complete this season with a new class? (Season of Empyrean Echoes)
Q2 stared like yesterday.
and still no Release date, even tha you wrote and i Quote " 1Q of 2022" yeah....
Right to the point , what kind of weapons will we be able to use ? will it be unique like TA on its entirety or we will share some types with other classes as well ?
I wouldnt also mind for a Class preview in time .
Now of course dont expect to see all of these things. But I would make the assumption that this would be the first class that would be focused on combining one handed melee and one handed range weapons(I mean thats what the official announcement art is showing). And then have one version that is similar to Heavy Gunner Crusader but with combi weapons. And then possibly a caster version. <---My predictions based on lore
Tbh I would like to see these 3 specializations for this class:
1. Heavy Gunner type with Combi weapons.
2. Caster type
3. Melee/Ranged hybrid
(So basically what my prediction is)
This would make the class stick out more from the others. Basically this makes it a combination between Crusader, Psyker and Assassin.
But this is just what I personally would love to see and some part predicting what we would get. And it is based on the lore for Adeptus Sororitas and what we already have ingame.
Best Regards, Ainsworth
Plz add Eviscerator to Sororita weapons it is big shame Assassin can't use it
Plz add Eviscerator to Sororita weapons it is big shame Assassin can't use it
We want Sisters!
We want Sisters!
We want Sisters!
They already told us when the Sister is coming out.
Please read what is written in the forum.
Very much excited to see this addition to what has become easily one of my top 10 favorite games. I push it on all the game inclined folks I know, and I've gotten at least one playing now. Hopefully I can use this new class to rope a few more potential victims into the endless battle for the soul of the Caligari Sector.
The season update has already been released, but there are no sisters! This is very upsetting!
So, when or where are the Sisters????
The production of the Sororitas class DLC hasn't stopped over the last year and after we will receive a nod from GW regarding many of the story-related stuff we will start sharing more details about Inquisitor's newest class.
You can expect a more detailed look at the class and video showcases in the coming weeks, and the release is planned for later this year as well. Stay tuned for more details!