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- An apology from NeocoreGames (and a friendly gift)
Dear Inquisitors,
due to the unexpectedly high number of players, our game servers went down for a few hours.
First of all, we are terribly sorry for the server issues. It was a combination of complex issues, but it was mainly the global chat that overloaded the servers. We have temporarily disabled global chat to solve this issue so everyone is able to play at least (Party chat, etc. will continue to operate). Of course, this is a temporary solution, expect a full update solving the issue completely.
To ensure maximum safety, we had to wipe account progress completely from the servers. We felt like this is not a big sacrifice as of now, since most people could only play for a short amount of time before the issue occurred.
As a token of our repentance, every one of you will receive a special Cherub in-game companion:
Once again, we are truly sorry for the inconvenience that we have caused, and we will continue to work hard to provide the best possible gaming experience.
Servers are back up and operational.
The Emperor Protects.
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And we all getting a pet from a package you only get from a package you need to pay $1000 for originally? No, can´t imagine that is the case. Why would people who bought the base game get a pet only available from a $1000 package? Could it be? Hhhmmm.
At LEAST I know 1 of those 3 pets you get in the $1000 package is never gonna be able, and I mean NEVER able to get/buy for people who never bought that specific package. And that is a FACT. people who actually went for buying that $1000 package truly deserves to have a truly unique item(s).
With some time I may think it just might will be possible to get SOME of those pets through purchasable DLCs. But never ever all of them.
The pet from $1000 package Grand Master Pack is unique. It's not the same pet than this giving away. Skin is really different. Not the same wings, not the same size, not the same name in game (Cherub Pet from Grandmaster pack, Angelic Servitor from 1.01 patch).
In reality, this giving away Cherub Pet is is not the same Cherub pet from the Grandmaster Pack. This Cherub pet is mentionned "Angelic Servitor" in game. The Cherub pet from Grandmaster Pack is mentionned "Cherub Pet" in Game. Skin is different. "Cherub Pet" from Grandmaster Pack is still unique.
The Cherub pet will be delivered in the next couple of days, we would like to ask your kind patience until then.
Who has waited another 2/ 3 moths to play this game...
We actually dont care about this demographic,,,,
And we all getting a pet from a package you only get from a package you need to pay $1000 for originally? No, can´t imagine that is the case. Why would people who bought the base game get a pet only available from a $1000 package? Could it be? Hhhmmm.
At LEAST I know 1 of those 3 pets you get in the $1000 package is never gonna be able, and I mean NEVER able to get/buy for people who never bought that specific package. And that is a FACT. people who actually went for buying that $1000 package truly deserves to have a truly unique item(s).
With some time I may think it just might will be possible to get SOME of those pets through purchasable DLCs. But never ever all of them.
Ive always had to use PrplHze as my Alt if someone takes my name in other games. Im not foolish enough to think im the only PurpleHaze ever.
And we all getting a pet from a package you only get from a package you need to pay $1000 for originally? No, can´t imagine that is the case. Why would people who bought the base game get a pet only available from a $1000 package? Could it be? Hhhmmm.
At LEAST I know 1 of those 3 pets you get in the $1000 package is never gonna be able, and I mean NEVER able to get/buy for people who never bought that specific package. And that is a FACT. people who actually went for buying that $1000 package truly deserves to have a truly unique item(s).
With some time I may think it just might will be possible to get SOME of those pets through purchasable DLCs. But never ever all of them.
The Cherub pet will be delivered in the next couple of days, we would like to ask your kind patience until then.
thanks for clearing it up!
The Cherub pet will be delivered in the next couple of days, we would like to ask your kind patience until then.
This straight sucks for more than a few players i have seen this happen too. I hope you either get this issue resolved or at the very least find an alternate you are happy using.
I still think a full Account wipe was a bit much, i'd have much prefered a character and progression wipe i.e keep Account name and friends list the latter more so now we don't have a functioning in game chat option, kinda glad i took some screens of my friends list before wipes to note all the fellow Inquisitors i have had the pleasure of purging with over the last year+
Now lest hope most managed to keep or reuse the same IGN's
I see the game's sitting at "Mixed" now on Steam, and it's only slowly trending downwards. I don't mean to be all "I told you so", but...I told you so, Neocore. Several times, probably. Launch on Steam has GOT to be butter-smooth, or they WILL destroy you. Even though this was a pretty minor problem compared to other launches I've seen, it was enough to do some damage. Especially the wipe after launch.
Don't get me wrong, I still love this game. I played for like six hours straight after the servers were back up yesterday. I'm excited to see what else comes down the pipe, especially in terms of further bug fixes and polish. And hey, now everyone gets the $1000 pet for free. :P
time for an upgrade - how about BlueberryKush XD
i go to the customization console, and it says "Pet: [not available]"
is there somewhere i have to claim it from first?
just to compare, i DO have my Mask of the Martyrs... and i was playing when the servers crashed just after launch, but then i decided to get some sleep in case it took a while.
You can set it on the Briefing screen before starting the mission.
Thank you for the hard work !
The Emperor Protects.
The Cherub pet will be delivered in the next couple of days, we would like to ask your kind patience until then.