An addition to the floating armor bug?


I've noticed on several occasions when I am on the Star Map that either when I move the map around my present location on it, or I zoom out or in for a mission, I can hear the sound cue for my inquisitor moving. I didn't get the floating armor bit, but I was thinking it may be worth noting. Sorry if it's already been referenced (I couldn't find it though). Keep up the great work guys!

This post was edited 7 years 201 days ago by Evil Beard
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An addition to the floating armor bug?
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7 years 202 days ago

It makes sense what you're saying Tsunamisan, as it does seem like the game translates mouse movements on the star map as movement commands towards your character. It is fully expected for an alpha, and to be honest, this alpha has been -to me- more engaging than many final releases so far, so color me invested :). 

7 years 202 days ago

This  is because  i suspect the  starmap is just a overlay  and your character is still loaded an waling around your ship at that  point.  It defiantly would  be a  boost to performance if it dumps the assets you don't see.

Not positive this is the case  i am not a programmer  but it seams logical to me  as   this is alpha and it is in the step  of progression.