make the 2nd weapon set visable,Actully this bug might be a new idea for the gear in game


So the bug is that sometimes when u equip a new weapon, its model would be doubled in the inventory, so there we see a power sword with 2 blades. Actully i think that might could become a new kind of weapon for Assissin, Double Blades Power Sword, XD.

and this daul wield double blade Cult Blade....huh

and this, this is the feature i always want to have in game, as we all know, we could have two set of weapon for each character, and when u switch weapon sets in game, the current weapon set would magically change to another. So why dont we change our mind, make the other weapon set always visable on the character, eg, the currently equiped weapon is a power sword, but the other set is a sniper rifle, so that sniper rifle, which was not current in use, was hanging on the hips of the character or on the back of the character, this would make the game feel more realistic and also could always let the player in game know what kind of weapon is equipped on the 2nd weapon slot.

This post was edited 7 years 188 days ago by Reptilienski
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7 years 188 days ago

I would love to see your non-active weapon sheathed or holstered on your character. I'm not sure Neocore will bother taking the time required to make sure none of the idle weapons don't clip through every piece of armor in the game though.

7 years 187 days ago
Posted by bassfu 7 years 188 days ago

I would love to see your non-active weapon sheathed or holstered on your character. I'm not sure Neocore will bother taking the time required to make sure none of the idle weapons don't clip through every piece of armor in the game though.

Dont know if that happens to most player but for me I sometime forgot what my 2nd weapon is so always switch between the 2 slots to check it, so if I could tell what is on my 2nd slot by just looking at my character if would be better.