Account deletion problem


Hi is anyone else having this problem or is it just me. I got Inquisitor Martyr a while ago after seeing in a white dwarf magazine. I played for a while but stopped for a while. after it was updated to a couple of times (I got this around july) I decided to play it again. Now I had quite a few good items such as some master crafted armour and guns. then when I logged back on it asked me to create a new account. So I did and now I have nothing. my character is gone all my items and progress so did this happen to anyone else is there a way to fix it?

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Account deletion problem
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7 years 152 days ago

There's been a couple wipes since you joined :) you have missed the last one I think. As the entire levelling system was changed it was required. It was also mentioned lots of times on the map, forums and such :)

There will be another one at launch too, so be warned!

7 years 151 days ago
Posted by Airsick Hydra 7 years 152 days ago

There's been a couple wipes since you joined :) you have missed the last one I think. As the entire levelling system was changed it was required. It was also mentioned lots of times on the map, forums and such :)

There will be another one at launch too, so be warned!

I hope they will be another wipe ahead of the launch. A last time testing the leveling, tarot, missions and all the stuff. The game would be hurt a lot if they have a so called "Beta to pay after an alpha to pay" no matter how true this is. They should at least test it for a month after a wipe before this is going into launch or even a open beta weekend or something like this.