A few things i have notivced


The grenade  launcher is over powered.  decimate all but the heavy armored in one  ammo  store. LM, RM, 2, 1  Everything is  either dead of  so  crippled they cant harm you anymore.  Now if you had to watch your shots  like you could actually blow yourself up with it that  would make allot more sense  instead of  shooting a grenade point blank an having you and the mob both in the blast radius but only they get harmed

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A few things i have notivced
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7 years 364 days ago
Thanks for your feedback! Weapon balance will come soon, hopefully, and we will nerf the nurgle healing a bit as well in the next update I think.
8 years 1 day ago

(1)First  is the nurgel  waygates.  Not sure whet they are  actually called at the moment.  they regen health way to fast.  They are supposed to buff those  around it not itself as well.  Plus structures  should not regen health.  And once they are killed the nurgel cloud  should dissipate.  (2) The Dreadnaught  Worldbarrers - I know i have said this before  but they are totally OP at the moment especially on  surface maps  where i just met one.  No  room to move and  it is backed in a tiny  room with no cover and the 3  shield generators try to kite it a bit out of the room so you  can actually fight instead of  just standing there an opening up on it which is suicide  if he hits you with the rocket launcher which deals over  2.3K  damade on level 3.  But the damage is not the issue its that it was  spawned in a  area  where there is no way to kill it and  it always  walk back and  regens  insanely fast if you kite to the next room.   Perhaps if i had  a purple gravgun but i don't as it  can stun armor.  Not sure if it can work on those though.  (3) The grenade  launcher is over powered.  decimate all but the heavy armored in one  ammo  store. LM, RM, 2, 1  Everything is  either dead of  so  crippled they cant harm you anymore.  Now if you had to watch your shots  like you could actually blow yourself up with it that  would make allot more sense  instead of  shooting a grenade point blank an having you and the mob both in the blast radius but only they get harmed

8 years 1 day ago

The grenade  launcher is over powered.  decimate all but the heavy armored in one  ammo  store. LM, RM, 2, 1  Everything is  either dead of  so  crippled they cant harm you anymore.  Now if you had to watch your shots  like you could actually blow yourself up with it that  would make allot more sense  instead of  shooting a grenade point blank an having you and the mob both in the blast radius but only they get harmed