5th Seasonal Storage tab not unlocked after tier 3 completion


I did not get the 5th storage tab unlocked as reward after completion of Season 2 tier 3 objectives.

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5th Seasonal Storage tab not unlocked after tier 3 completion
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4 years 94 days ago

Yes, you are right. I cannot complete Tier 2 because custodian Rebus is available only in weekends. But is good to know that once i deliver the remaining cortex fragments i will get the Tier 3 rewards as well. Good answer.

Thank you for the clarification.

Small remark. I noticed that while custodian Rebus is available, there are no more drops of the cortex fragments. Once he disapeared, they start dropping again. I do not know if this is intended, but is really annoing if you still need to farm some of them and you cannot.

Thank you.

This comment was edited 4 years 94 days ago by uberviking
4 years 95 days ago

We put out a fix to our backend yesterday evening however it will not affect those accounts where the problem occurred already. We will manually activate your tabs!

EDIT: I just noticed your question about the rewards: you won't receive higher tier rewards until you do not fully complete the tiers below.

This comment was edited 4 years 95 days ago by Marcopolocs
4 years 95 days ago
Is the fix case by case? i mean we need to tell you that we did not get the tier 3 rewards in order to have it fixed?
4 years 95 days ago
Hi, any updates?

Actually i did not get any reward from Tier 3, including the 5th tab. How do i get them?

4 years 96 days ago
I did not get the 5th tab after completing the tier either.
4 years 96 days ago
Yep, we did it. Great to hear it's there now!
4 years 96 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 4 years 96 days ago
We will check why you haven't received the 5th storage tab, will try to figure this out by the end of the day!
Hello, I don't know if you did something or not, but the 5th tab appeared right now when I logged in. It wasn't there an hour ago.

Thank you in any case!

4 years 96 days ago
We will check why you haven't received the 5th storage tab, will try to figure this out by the end of the day!
4 years 99 days ago
I may be wrong here, but do you not need to actually go down into your inventory and open them?

But hey, I may be mistaken and remember wrong.