[XBOX] Update for Inquisitor - Martyr | v1.0.1.5 | Sept 27


Updates for Martyr have been released. Please make sure that your console has downloaded the update fully. The game needs to be restarted for the changes to take effect.


  • News Feed added
  • Stability improvements
  • Starmap Performance improvements
  • Network optimization
  • Shader optimizations
  • Minor UI improvements

Fixed bugs

  • The Targeting System no longer targets otherwise untargetable objects on the ground
  • Fixed an issue where Players were unable to revive each other in Co-op
  • Fixed an issue where Players were unable to target with the Special Ability when using the Advanced Layout
  • Fixed the unresponsive Invite Friends button at the Online Co-op window
  • Fixed an issue where the Player could teleport past the Cutscene triggers
  • Fixed an issue where the Player was unable to interact with the Warzone Vote window
  • Fixed an issue where everyone in the Party was able to launch a Warzone Mission
  • Fixed an issue where the Player could learn skills in the Single DPS skill tree without getting necessary prerequisites
  • Fixed a crash when opening the Warzone Battle window in Italian language
  • Fixed an issue where the explosion decal of the Nurgle Dreadnought would get stuck until the end of the Mission
  • Fixed an issue where the game would crash or enter into an unresponsive state when playing Unholy Cathedral for more than an hour
  • Fixed an issue where Player names were not displayed properly on Warzone Pop-up error messages
  • Fixed an issue where the game would crash if the Xbox was put into Connected Standby mode during the loading of the Command Bridge
  • Various typo fixes
  • Localization fixes
This post was edited 6 years 126 days ago by Megapull
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[XBOX] Update for Inquisitor - Martyr | v1.0.1.5 | Sept 27
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6 years 126 days ago

There will be a content patch coming out today !

6 years 127 days ago
I wonder when the next update will turn up???
6 years 141 days ago

Once again our cabal missions need resetting for DeepEyes, GT xBlue spiritx

6 years 150 days ago

My cabal missions need resetting for DeepEyes. Xbox GT xBlue spiritx

6 years 151 days ago
I accept and I get the same message and it kicks me 
6 years 152 days ago
sometimes the warzone bosses don't despawn if they are executed, also when is the cabal mission due reset (xbox)

6 years 163 days ago
Hey buddy seen as you're the only one giving us any information at all (thankyou) have you and the guys and gals talked about how broken assassins arc blades whirlwind attack is? It's only.tagline is channelling... the description says it hits in a 360° multiple enemies... but it is not affected not by AoE skill tree... it should definitely have the AoE tagline as it does hit multiple enemies... any information on weapon skill updates no matter how small will be much appreciated 
6 years 163 days ago
Same, last 2 days
6 years 163 days ago
Coop doesn’t work, me and my friend can team up but each time we load into a mission it just says no servers available....
6 years 164 days ago

I forget something.

The teleportation, on xbox one, do not give me Surprise boost. Nothing appears in the buff list when i click on « start », and my assassin haven’t got the surprise buff visual effect. I don’t know if it appeared with the patch, i use teleportation since this morning.

The Emperor protects !

6 years 164 days ago


The patch is really appreciate and seems to overhaul aiming system. There are just few details who needs to be improve:

- It will be nice using the left joystick to change the direction during fire. ´cause i aim a mob, start fire, and need to stopin order to aim in an other direction. 

-The possibility to use belt (teleportation/grenad/shield...) during fire. I  know i have to quite fire in order to use teleportation (and aim the spot with teleportation take time because of pad, and i’m vulnerable because i stop fire)

I changed my build and i noticed something strange about the Zealous deplacement (passive perk). Teleportation cost adrenaline, it works well, but the supply crate, find during missions, give not adrenaline like the perk description says (or i didn’t understand how it works maybe). 

A lot of good work there

The Emperor protects !

6 years 164 days ago
this has made the game unplayable for me as a melee crusaider, will be returning it next week if it isnt reverted, the delay means that even my combo abilities are so slow i get melted, as you said its not a cooldown issue, its a change in the foundation of ability q times that isnt mentioned anywhere and should never have happened

6 years 164 days ago

The official date for releasing Season1 is not yet public. We are planning to implement it in November but it may come sooner!

We will check on the server issue connected to COOP! 

This comment was edited 6 years 164 days ago by Marcopolocs
6 years 164 days ago
Same freaking problem here. Smdh
6 years 164 days ago
Trying to play with a friend and we keep getting servers are full error. Anyone else? Any recommendations on how to fix?
6 years 165 days ago

I have  a problem with the controller-layout (classic, alternate, advanced, etc.) I choose "advanced" but if i shut down or restart the game, my controller-layout chanced back to classic. 

6 years 165 days ago
When should we be expecting the new content?
6 years 165 days ago


Since the patch yesterday evening my game froze twice (never happened before) once during a mission and once on the command bridge, the third time I launched it run for a couple of hours without freeze but there was some serious lag in the menu input, like A for accessing the star map or Y to accept a Warzone invitation, also this never happened before.

6 years 165 days ago

Don't worry, the Season 1 is in the pocket already. ;)

This comment was edited 6 years 165 days ago by Darths
6 years 165 days ago
Not too bad, would have preferred new content or at least dismemberement with executions. Current game is to repetitive, I’m max lvl have all upgraded artifact gear and nothing to do. Please bring some new content quickly guys.
6 years 165 days ago
Posted by Bierkonsument 6 years 166 days ago
für alle deutschen inquistoren das Xbox one Update is online,  Bin wieder am suchten jaaaaaa.   ;)
Bei mir hats den Patch zwar geladen, aber immer noch keine neuen Storymissionen. 
6 years 165 days ago

there were some regional differences in the deploying of the latest patch, but a couple of hours after the announcement it has been made available for everyone. It should be good now! 

6 years 165 days ago
Seems to be good this morning. Patch is downloading. For the Emperah !
6 years 165 days ago
Love it improvements noticed! For the Emperor!
6 years 165 days ago

Hey all, here is all that I noticed that the update did. First thing I noticed they fixed auto targeting it properly targets but haven't tested it in warzone but did in end game missions (1600+). It feels like the priority targeting is better as well. But I did notice, that my camera angle won't zoom out all the way and don't know if this is on purpose or a new problem due to the patch. I also noticed you can't cast abilities back to back. There seems to be now a small wait window till what you cast as an ability is done before you can cast something else. No I am not referring to cool down times. As in example, I could cast multiple abilities all at once. Now that doesn't seem to happen. Tested on a AOE/DOT Psyker class don't know about the other two classes. They also said in patch notes they fixed the revives but wasn't able to test online co-op to confirm. In any case, this is all that I have noticed so far with this patch. An thanks devs for doing all that you can for the game.

6 years 166 days ago

Well its working now i had to hard reset my xbox twice. Thank the Emperor!

6 years 166 days ago
Does anyone know if they fixed the Ragna store bug?

I do not feel like reinstalling just to find out.

Much Obliged.

6 years 166 days ago

First of all I "hate" this game so much that my crusader is level 28 now and I am therefore merely "trolling". Apart from some tooltip fixes and the overall impression that my crusader has become more squishy I do not see much improvement:

1.) Most covers just disintegrate, while some others do not and have a proper disappearing animation. I dont get this inconsistency. Why is that so? 1.a) Some object are visibly destroyed without an performance impact whatsoever while others - like my beloved tin barrel or wooden covers still just desintegrate. According to my bff Megapull not even the XB1X could handle that (how Diablo 3 manages destructible environment remains a question unanswered. In Martyr they just desintegrate). Yet strangely enough, other objects (not explosives) explode / crumble into dust upon destruction instead of just vanishing. No rhyme nor reason to it.

1.b) Why can't a wooden covers for example not simply disappear in a dust cloud instead of pixeling away in front of your eyes? Some objects even *do* that - without *any* impact on performance I might add -1c) Similarily, why can't barrels not just explode instead of meekly desintegrating. IT.LOOKS.UGLY. You won't tell me @Megapull that the XB1X can't handle a barrel exploding,  or a wooden cover disappearing in a quickly dissipating dust cloud - when other objects in the game do just that -

2.) Why do attacks no longer collapse the environment like they used to in an official gameplay footage by a 3rd party gamer which I posted a few weeks ago?

3.) Certain enemy types have the exact same death animation. For example: Black legion chaos marines with a jetback will always drop onto their belly, then dramatically try to rise, then drop over dead. Every single one. Repetitive. Defiantly trying to get up is new btw. Before they would just topple over in the exact same manner. Now they do an additional move. Apart from that they still die the exact same way.

3a) I have only sneak peaked the patch so I cannot comment whether you at least managed to add more execution animations for uber-bosses (like helbrutes), but I doubt it the way this game is developing

4.) Repetitive is the key problem (apart from the still advertised destructible environment - even in the ingame tutorial notes): The game is repetitive like there is no tomorrow. I wonder what Diablo 3 does differently. I have lost count how many times I killed King Leoric, but when I read "nurgle infestation" I can only roll my eyes by now. Maybe it's the fact that I get the same lines from my pilot or magos during or at the end of the mission whereas in Diablo 3 it all happens in blessed silence. But after hearing my pilot say "at this rate you will be back on the ship in no time" for the 1000th time makes me want to kill the voice actor.

Either finally say you wont fix any of these and I will go for a refund (having paid 80€ believing I woul get the PC version on consoles... just like Diablo 3 managed to pull it off) or adress these issues. Some ppl obviously not care. But I for one do want to feel like a powerful inquisitor of the Holy Ordos, and not tumble around walls, see walls being beamed out of existence and experience slowdowns when other games with arguably better / similar graphics quality manage to a) uphold the framerate b) have way more action on screen than Martyr. 

6 years 166 days ago

-« Tech-priest ? »

-« ... »

-« Tech-priest, are you here ? »

 -« I can’t find any update. Tech-priests no respond and i’m stand here alone against the darkness. My servitors restart the holy X machine twice but... nothing. There is nothing, only abysses and i am desesperate. »

-« ... »

-« I will retry as many time as necessary, for the Emperor and Humankind. »

6 years 166 days ago
Yay it works again... thanks for the quick fix!
6 years 166 days ago
mach mal nen hardreset,  den weißen Knopf an der Box solange drücken bis sie von alleine ausgeht 
6 years 166 days ago
Lol jetzt 
6 years 166 days ago
Forgot to add “ The Emperor protects”!  Lol
6 years 166 days ago
Noch nix in Sicht
6 years 166 days ago
Update was supposed to be 4 pm CEST.  Which should be you.  I am Pacific Standard Time (Oregon).  Just for a lark, power cycle console , then try to start game.  That is all I did when I found that some one was updating.  Best of luck Inquisitor! Ha ha
6 years 166 days ago
für alle deutschen inquistoren das Xbox one Update is online,  Bin wieder am suchten jaaaaaa.   ;)
6 years 166 days ago
I don't know the short form..... :)  i'm from germany.... =P
6 years 166 days ago
No.  Just tried to start the game.  Got update prompt, clicked on that, it took me to update screen and it started.  What time zone are you?
6 years 166 days ago
How did it work? I go to updates and there is nothing....i also start the game and zhere is only systemerror....did you do something special?
6 years 166 days ago
My XboxOne is downloading a 3.41 GB update.   I tried to load the game and it happened.
6 years 166 days ago
Really?or is it a fake? Because no change at updates....nothing to see
6 years 166 days ago
Update is out now 
6 years 166 days ago
Heh, now it’s saying cannot connect to Neosore’s servers. Haha
6 years 166 days ago
Praise be to the Emperor!!!
6 years 166 days ago
In my opinion... They tried to release an update.  Something went very wrong, now they are in crisis mode and we get radio silence.  If you report it, you get the standard... go to updates and download the latest, power cycle, due to different time zones, there may be some delay... please be patient.
6 years 166 days ago
Just tried launching mine and there IS FINALLY A UPDATE! 3.41GB
6 years 166 days ago
I’m sure you guys will get it figured out soon ! Until then I’ll read a 40k book to get my fill lol
6 years 166 days ago
So what’s going on with this then? No one know?
6 years 166 days ago
4 p.m. CEST. Which translates roughly to 7 a.m. PST (me).  Other than that, I got’s nothing.
6 years 166 days ago
I totally loved Space Marine for Xbox.  Been waiting for another game set in the universe.  This top down style is taking some getting use to.  Hope we find Eldar somewhere!