[XBOX] Update for Inquisitor - Martyr | v1.0.1.3 | Sept 13


Updates for Martyr have been released. Please make sure that your console has downloaded the update fully. The game needs to be restarted for the changes to take effect.

Major Changes & New features:

  • Improved auto-targeting system and fixed bugs with interactable objects and executions
  • Barrels can now be blown up with a button combination (shown on screen) for a better tactical experience
  • When you use the "Target Lock" on to an enemy, the camera will now automaticly zoom out to maximum distance
  • The duration of effects provided by Consumable Items are now also shown on the Star Map
  • Reworked Morality choice window in the campaign
  • A Party Leader indicator has been added to Character Portraits for clarity
  • The Player Information window now also includes the Player's last played Class, Rank and Power Rating
  • The following skills' controls are reworked:
    • 'Molten Beam' for Psyker
    • 'Hot Shot' for Lasgun
    • 'Dual Beams' for Laspistol
  • Players in Local Co-Op can now select different controller layouts
  • Added deadzone for the left stick
  • Several Local Co-Op ingame GUI improvements
  • Stability improvements
  • Numerous balance improvements


  • Fixed numerous Campaign progression issues and blocks
  • Fixed an issue where the Player would encounter an undismissable 'Player Not Found' notification
  • Fixed an issue where the Inoculator or the skill bound to the RB button could get stuck
  • Fixed an issue where using Armour skills made all the buttons unresponsive
  • Fixed an issue where the Player would get stuck on the invisible remains of destroyed objects
  • Fixed an issue where a player was unable to see other player's execution animations during Co-Op missions
  • Fixed an issue where the Cabal description's scrollbar at the Player Info card caused the selector to get stuck
  • Fixed an issue where Cabal Invitations got stuck in the player's Data Terminal after accepting them
  • Fixed an issue where the Data Terminal would remain stuck on the screen even after clearing its contents
  • Fixed an issue where the 'Search Cabal' function was present on the Character Sheet for players that were already Cabal members
  • Fixed an issue where the player was unable to Salvage the default Inoculator item
  • Fixed an issue where pressing the X button on the Command Bridge would bring up the Munitorium screen
  • Fixed an issue where the player can't select the mission properly at the Warzone Boss window.
  • Fixed the missing Select button on the Warzone screen
  • Fixed an issue where the player could face the Nemesis boss before completing 'Battle 10'
  • Fixed an issue where the player could face the Nemesis boss without having enough Favor
  • Fixed an issue where multiple Local Coop characters would appear on the Command Bridge during a Couch Coop session
  • Fixed an issue where the Crusader would not charge towards an enemy when using the Greataxe's 'Execute' skill
  • Fixed an issue where the player had infinite uses of the 'Artillery Strike' world skill on Siege missions
  • User Interface improvements related to the Pending Rewards and Full Inventory frame
  • The turrets' secondary fire function is now assigned to RT
  • Fixed the swapped icons on the Morality window
  • Fixed the missing voice acting for Ragna van Wynter after players have activated Uther's Tarot
  • Fixed a wrong dialog of Helena Goslar at the end of the 'Through Fire and Flames' investigation
  • The correct Weekly Glory value is now shown after completing a Priority Assignment
  • Added missing 'Digital Weapons' buff description
  • Added missing 'Deflector' buff description and icon
  • Added several missing error messages
  • Fixed the description of the 'Allied Units' Tutorial
  • Fixed an issue where the player was able to initiate a Local Co-Op session while being in an Online Multiplayer Party
  • Dismissing the Local Co-Op 2nd player's Controller Disconnection pop-up on the 2nd player's Options Window will now automatically remove Henchman Characters from the game session
  • The tooltip for the Advanced Crafting Materials will no longer get stuck after switching to the Crafting tab
  • The red exclamation mark on the inventory screen now disappears immediately after checking the new items
  • The missing 'Protector:' text has been added next to the Players names on the Subsector View of the Starmap
  • Several GUI improvements and bugfixes (unreadable texts, line cuts etc.)
  • Several localization fixes (for example code strings in Skill tree descriptions, english sentences etc.)
  • Fixed scrollbars for languages with special characters
  • The background of the following screens will now appear properly: Crafting, Inoculator, Tarot Missions
  • Fixed the aiming system of Turrets
  • Fixed the incorrect linebreaking in the Japanese localization
  • Fixed an issue when players could force themselves in a Cabal after applying with the A button

Known Issues:

  • The "Invite Friends" button at the Co-Op Terminal does not work at the moment -  players can now invite friends by opening the Navigation Wheel and selecting the Social panel to invite friends with the X button.
  • The 'Verminslayer', 'Reaper', 'Cull the Strong' and 'Where It Hurts' Heroic Deeds can be reached sooner than the corresponding Achievements. This does not affect their functionality and the Achievements can be obtained.
This post was edited 6 years 134 days ago by Megapull
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[XBOX] Update for Inquisitor - Martyr | v1.0.1.3 | Sept 13
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6 years 134 days ago

Did 4 straight Tarot missions, with the Hourglass mod and Extreme Fortune booster. Total number of relics: zero, zilch, nada, not one for confort...it is really frustanting how a game with such potencial and atmosfere, that gets the 40k universe spot on in so many things, has this kind of glitches. Inventory that dissapears forcing the player to log off, achievements that dont pop when they should (either too late or too soon) or not clear (why, in gods name, only two campaign bosses count for one of them, it does not make sense at all). I do hope that Neocore can finetune this. It seems like a waste, not to be able to get the great product that you can see lurking, sometimes!

6 years 134 days ago

Why is season 1 coming to consoles in November? That will put consoles 4 months give or take behind the pc version? And DLC coming to pc in September? I think you need to concentrate on getting all platforms to the same stage.

6 years 137 days ago
Listen it’s a great game but it has some major issues that can easily be fixed to turn this around. 

1. Enable a stable offline mode. One my biggest issues is the game losing contact with the server and me losing my mission progress which really sucks. 

2.Enable a coach Co-op that uses actual characters and enables their inventory and experience functions

3. Provide a great verity of class armors and special loot. Maybe even throw in a few dlc classes too. A game this big in a world that big with the story taking place behind a near limitless character model should take advantage of that 

6 years 138 days ago

I also gave in and reached out to Microsoft and I was awarded a refund for this game it had its chance and it blew it sorry neocore your game wasn’t really worth it 

This comment was edited 6 years 138 days ago by viper234
6 years 139 days ago
Got a refund on this crap game on Xbox.  Let them know this game false advertised the destruction of environments and the game is shutting down the Xbox.  They made an exception for this game.  
6 years 139 days ago
6 years 140 days ago
please FIX THE AIMING SYSTEM!!! also, the framerate  sometimes is horrible. thanks for your time!
6 years 141 days ago
Yep definitely getting tired of the xbox just powering down for no reason. Pretty sure this is similar to a blue screen on a computer... Definitely isn't good for the hardware. How was an issue this significant not made a priority in patching?
6 years 142 days ago
I’m willing to wait as long as I have to for additional content just please fix the aiming I find myself playing one mission then coming off of the game out of frustration over its poor auto aim and skills that don’t target what you want them to. Please just fix it
6 years 142 days ago
What's the time frame we're looking at for season 1 and we need an update for the Morality because I would love to know how many morality points I have in total including radical and puritan decisions. 
6 years 143 days ago
We are aware of the revival issue (which is bugged and we are fixing it) as well as the Cabal quest issue on which we are also working! 

The maximum level items in the base game are lvl40, with Season1 it will be higher!

The Warzone vendor can be accessed after travelling to Lacaon System and pushing X (on Xbox) and square button (on PS4)

6 years 143 days ago

Where is the war zone vendor? I've killed the nemesis boss and got bad luck on an war zone relic I wish to sell it. I can't sell it ragnor.  So where can I sell it?

6 years 143 days ago
Slim chance for refund, I'm in this battle now, MS doesn't want to, Big Ben don't givea damn (they responded no withour any reason and they keep ignoring me), neocore also doesn't want to respond to that and keeo pointing to Big Ben (I was stupid enough to get digital version) and Big Ben is sending to MS...

So yeah, my campaign progress is broken, game despite the update is still full of bugs and glitches but everything is fine... 

It's almost like neocore wants to destory it's reputation on consolea

6 years 143 days ago
They took revives out of the game?
6 years 143 days ago
OK, this is bullshit! This is the 2nd week our cabal quest has been stuck, no one has replied to our request for help, people have been leaving the cabal bc we aren’t progressing.  Fix your fucking game or at least respond to the issue before I refund....
6 years 144 days ago
Is it normal that i find just Item lvl 40 Stuff on Char Lvl 42 ?
6 years 144 days ago

Please patch the auto aiming this week. Id rather the aiming go back the way it was since all abilites and weapons worked. 

These changes make the abilities worthless now:

"The following skills' controls are reworked:"

  • 'Molten Beam' for Psyker
  • 'Hot Shot' for Lasgun
  • 'Dual Beams' for Laspistol

I understand the reasoning for the change since the auto aiming with channel abilities are a bit strong. At least patch the channel beams to auto target a enemy once he dies don't channel to the next. (Id rather have it how it was) That will allow players to reaim to another target. The way these abilities work currently they just go forward where ever your character is facing which can totally miss a target your going for.

Believe me I love the game that is why I am trying to help. I also bought the imperium edition and I can't wait to get new content. I was just bummed that my new crusader beam build became pretty much garabage at this point. I am currently playing Shadow of Tomb Raider waiting on a fix for this.

This comment was edited 6 years 144 days ago by Ordamus
6 years 144 days ago
You probably will, they work slow, and communication is very general, my campaign progress is broken since last Tuesday, still no fix, also they refuse a refund like everything is ok with the game... sorry to hear you have problems, like apparently vast majority of console gamers if not all.

Just don't put your expectations too high

6 years 144 days ago
Thank you very much. I was hoping it was simple mechanics that I wasn't using properly. I will work on my aiming skills.
6 years 144 days ago
Gamertag belial69

Cabal Replaceables

6 years 145 days ago

bought this game, paid £70 for imperial edition, play it everyday since, like it a lot... but there are some major issues with it and the recent fix only made it worse. targetin enemies while usin full auto weapons only targets enemies in the direction you are shootin, you cant change this by moving the left analog stick in the direction you want to shoot (like you can in can in diablo) you have to stop shootin turn to the direction you want to shoot then start shootin again. Dual wielding pistols seems like a great idea, double the firepower,  double the rate.....WRONG....bolt pistols single shot has a 0.6 cooldown firing a shot every 0.6 seconds, dual wielding increases this effectively to 1 shot every 1.2 seconds this is because you alternate between ur main hand and your offhand with a 0.6 second cooldown, alternating fire should be set to 0.3 seconds when dual wielding two bolt pistols to keep it at the 0.6 seconds also the single shot has a 4"spread so not everyshot will hit its mark even if you only use one pistol. The full auto is even worse with a 8" spread about 75% of you magazine will miss and as you might think dual wielding would would fire both pistols at the same time, you dont, you fire 1 gun at a time and unless the enemy is less than 10 meters away your not going to hit anythin unlike the laspitol or the inferno pistols channed/beam skills that fire both pistola at the same time.The damage of the pistols full auto is only about 1/3 of the single shot skill and almost all shots miss, a pointless skill when you consider the enemies 100% accuracy with a heavy bolter type weapon. Why would you have the shot spread for these weapons i understand the need on heavy two handed weapons but for pistols to have a shot spread as high as that is rediculous, these guys are supposed to be marines. The crusader class as a whole is also extremely bias towards the melee weapons with the higher damage resistanse of the assault armor and amount deflect you get from using a shield means using any range weapon pointless, i tried and failed level 30 warzone repeatedly using bolt pistols, dont do enough damage, dont shoot fast enough ( even dual wielding) and you take far too much damage, but with a sword and shield its so much easier and you dont need to invest in defence skill either, if you have a sword with the enchantment that can heal you for the amount killing blow you are almost invincible so why have range weapons at all. Multiplayer is also bugged, some of the skills may have been fixed but some still dont work, i use a skill that gives a " 10% damage bonus for 10 seconds stacking upto 10 times when a crit results in a kill " this skill didnt work before the update and it still doesnt work in multiplayer. Warzone also doesnt work for multiplayer, apart from the fact you cant revive downed squad members, if someone dies and you have no respawns left, you have to quit the mission becuase you team mates cant proceed through the door to the next room, also warzone levels above 50 and the nemesis battle cant be played in multiplayed all attempts fail. Im sure there are other issues you will be notified of but seriously, this game has the potential to be one the biggest games in this genre givan that it is afterall WARHAMMER,sort the gameplay issues properly before your fan base disappears, dont make me regret buyin this game like i regretted buying Destiny 2

6 years 145 days ago

patch is good, and appreciated, but I am having some trouble with sniper shot on the sniper rifle, sometimes it won't work, sometimes it goes off as a snapshot even though i'm holding the button in for the charged shot, and sometimes pressing the button actually causes me to lose my target. needs looking into.

EDIT: just realized it's because I have it mapped to R1, which was the problematic command pre-patch, so it's still giving some trouble.

This comment was edited 6 years 145 days ago by ST
6 years 145 days ago
Posted by Dinchy 6 years 145 days ago

Hello all,

I am having trouble with targeting with crusader. He really wants to shoot the walls and floor rather than any enemies. Pre patch he targeted closest enemy mostly now he shoots randomly at inanimate nondestructable environment. I like the game but will wait for another patch as I am easily frustrated. Can't wait.

The auto-aim-engine will not target whatever like it did before by itself, you need to move ( left stick ) into the direction of the desired target like you would in Diablo to show the engine which target you want. With some weapons the range to the target now seems to be important to trigger the auto-aim.

While there is still room for improvements the auto-targeting works good now. Played alot of missions yesterday with melee & ranged weapons and had no trouble with the targeting.

Seems there is one bug now, the engine targets an enemy but does not highlight it and does not show the description on top of the screen, but one is able to hit it.

Best regards.

6 years 145 days ago
Same with my Crusader!.. i thought it was just my controller..
6 years 145 days ago

Hello all,

I am having trouble with targeting with crusader. He really wants to shoot the walls and floor rather than any enemies. Pre patch he targeted closest enemy mostly now he shoots randomly at inanimate nondestructable environment. I like the game but will wait for another patch as I am easily frustrated. Can't wait.

6 years 145 days ago

I absolutely love this game.  It's beautiful and captures the Warhammer 40K Universe so perfectly.  Love the attention to detail... but after your patch...

Cannot revive in Local Couch Cooperative Play.

Cannot revive in Multiplayer Play.

Cannot locate a "Stolen Relic" mission to save my life... 

Need this for "Complete One of Every Mission Type" achievement on the XBox ONE.  Around 40% of the player population has this unlocked... I don't understand how I'm supposed to complete it and when I look into it the only advice is "Do one of every mission type" but "Stolen Relic" no longer exists (and having it as a Random Event in a normal mission doesn't seem to count either).

If that's all that's wrong with this game... hey you guys have done AMAZING.

I'm looking forward to the fixes.

6 years 146 days ago

One of my friends were having the same problemsomeone suggested him to go to the customer service. He got it done from this online authorized store ( website here ), all his issues are resolved nowIf anyone is still having some issue they can check this out.

6 years 146 days ago
Cabal name changed from Abyss Wardens to AbyssWardens automatically and cant change back.

Missions didnt reset.

Couple of crash to home screen incidents.

Targetting much better. still a few issues with beam weapons but the barrel explosion combo move is helpful.

Gamertag The Mycenean

6 years 146 days ago
Can we get Revives back in multiplayer please?
6 years 147 days ago

Hey all, I will say the only problem I have with update is the Auto Targeting is worse than before. I am a Psyker Area of Effect/Dot User. While most will say it's an improvement  most people are still playing through normal missions. But on 1500+ and Warsone missions makes it impossible to kill the enemies with the target priority that now exists. For example on those higher difficulty missions/Warzone missions the time to kill enemies is lowered due to the priority of targeting. Which instead of switching to next target after kill, it forces me to turn in there direction to even maybe hit a enemy which may not be the one I need to kill. Which in turn kills me not to mention more often than not I find myself not even targeting an enemy from time to time. All this that I said is hard to test or understand unless you have played those missions because if you have anyone by now knows that it takes very little in solo to die on those difficulties.

6 years 147 days ago
Ok this is beyond a joke now... you cannot revive anybody in any missions there is not even an option to.... do you test these updates or just throw em out so we can test them for you.... this is not a beta I paid full price for this game I do not expect to be treated like a mug fix your shit neocore
6 years 147 days ago

Cant edit my Other Post,but i forgot something.

A little Thing i also Noticed is that one Mission of the Main Campaign is still shown on my Starmap,cant remember its Name.
Its the one where you beat the Boss with Klosterheim.
First i thought its replayable,but it seems more to be a Bug?

6 years 147 days ago

Played the New Patch now for a while.

I like the New Targeting System and the Thing with the Button Combination.
Also im lvl 40 now with around 1110 Points and the Game turns out to be exactly what im looking for since i had enough of Diablo 1 and 2.

But since the Patch is up i had way more crashes than before.
First it was just when going into the Starmap,but now the Crashes can happen randomly.

There was also a little Bug i discovered as i finished the Campaign,was portet back into the Ship but on the Outside.
Could work around this with just going to the Starmap again.

Overall good Work id say,but its sad that the Game Crashes alot now.
I feel like i supported a good Developer with my 90 €,normally i dont pay so much Money for a Game.

I like the Games Story btw,overall you did something very well there with the Mission and Campaign System etc.

This comment was edited 6 years 147 days ago by Ursurper
6 years 147 days ago

Those who experienced the Cabal issue and not shared additional details, may I ask your Cabal's name and a Gamertag as well? 

6 years 147 days ago
Yes our cabal are having the same issues, it's quite frustrating cause we can't progress further with the cabal either.... why is this even an issue? The cabal is completely screwed whilst it's down and I bet we won't get the experience moving forward if they even bother to fix itn
6 years 147 days ago

I'm lvl 42 with 1115 of power, after the patch I can't access the first Warzone (crash, the game closed) and no reward or update missions for my cabal. No sign of other story missions: but I think i finish them, maybe, my last mission was Absolute Caos - Harbinger of Hate. (Confirm please)


Pg: Helios

XboxLive: DemonicMaD1985

(XboxOne X)

This comment was edited 6 years 147 days ago by MaD85
6 years 147 days ago
The new aiming system works really well in my opinion, translation also is improved after the patch, and the games feels a little more polished overall now. However I still see texture flickering in outside maps and our cabal is still stuck with missions not refreshed from last week, we lost both the last week rewards and also this week rank point and reward, when this will be fixed? 
6 years 147 days ago

Our cabal has been stuck on a finished quest since last week.  It didn’t turn in for xp or reset this week....people are now leaving the cabal bc we haven’t progressed can this be fixed please?

This comment was edited 6 years 147 days ago by Golom
6 years 147 days ago
I contacted them already, I'm waiting for script release to fix the quest and Ragna
6 years 147 days ago

after the bug i have completed where you go around in a baneblade and now i am stuck because it says "find the traitor flavius draken" however the game does not bring up a mission for me to play, the bug needs fixing! i cannot advance with the story because of this :/ 

6 years 148 days ago
Posted by karrib3n 6 years 148 days ago
It really feels like there was no patch at all.

Neocore, idk how about PC players, buy your time to speak up - and I mean something more than "we are aware of the issue" - is very quickly runninh out, to the point where like it was said you will loose all console player base, and that is something that cannot be easily won back

I can't agree .. yes i ran into bugs too since i started to play. Had a quest bug but the support fixed it in a few hours. The auto-aim had its problems, but since the last patch the auto-aim is really improved and on par with Diablo 3 standards, it works nearly the same in regards how it choose targets and i tested it with all three classes. Also the "offset camera to move direction" is a really nice feature.

Maybe you experience damn bugs for the moment, but for me it fixed alot of things. I saw that you still have a quest bug, i recommend the Neocore messenger ( yellow bar/button that says "do you need support" ) to you, they really do their job to help us there, but contact them before weekend begins they also have free days then.

Hope you can get help that really helps you with the game ASAP.

Best regards.

6 years 148 days ago
Your game is still broken the aiming is now somehow worse my armour skill just goes off with no control same with weapons I feel this update hasn’t done a single thing to the game it’s a real shame I’m losing hope in this game. There is another warhammer game coming out next month if you really want this game to last actually fix the game!
6 years 148 days ago
It really feels like there was no patch at all.

Neocore, idk how about PC players, buy your time to speak up - and I mean something more than "we are aware of the issue" - is very quickly runninh out, to the point where like it was said you will loose all console player base, and that is something that cannot be easily won back

6 years 148 days ago
Game still bug like hell. Deconection in multiplayer, crash in starMap or the Priority Mission computeur, cabal mission still not refresh... 

Really like your games, but your going to lose all console player.

6 years 148 days ago
Game is still broken, still crashes, still has shit load of bugs, auto aim is just slightly better but still has some issues, on top of that neocore server connection issues start to appear... which on top of my broken campaign progress makes the game fully unplayable

Do people a favor, refund all of us.... 

6 years 148 days ago

The executions still don’t have any animations or gore effects will this ever be improved????

6 years 148 days ago
Posted by karrib3n 6 years 148 days ago
It also seems your update is breaking the game, what about "version error" issue?????? 
Also couldnt play and got a Version Error

6 years 148 days ago

Oooh yessss ! I will try tonight, can’t wait ! Great job 

6 years 148 days ago
the whole xbox getting shut down while in the star map is still a problem, im kind of bummed... it happened while selecting my 2nd mission after applying the patch, i really want to play your game but the whole crippling my xbox everytime i play is a downer...
6 years 148 days ago
Go to manage games and add one for the game and clear reserved data. Reboot the game. Should play fine. Fixed mine that way