(Xbox One) Tough Choices achievement not unlocking


I've maxed out the Puritan side of the morality bar while playing the new Khorne DLC (the Holy Enchantments symbol is now lit up, though I have no idea how to access them) but the achievement hasn't unlocked. Looking at the achievement description on my console it states that 0.05% of players have unlocked it - so it must be working for some people.

Can I ask if this can be fixed or somehow unlocked on my account as I don't want to have to do a ton of Priority Assignments on a fresh character. My gamertag is: jackanape

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(Xbox One) Tough Choices achievement not unlocking
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5 years 254 days ago
That worked; thanks for your litany to the machine-spirit.
5 years 255 days ago
Aeon Commando
Please run one more open world mission and you will get it now!
5 years 255 days ago

Hi,  i tried the suggestions in this thread but my achievement doesn't unlock either.  gt= Aeon Commando; character= Aeon Fortis


5 years 283 days ago
Please run an open world mission with your character and you will unlock the achievement.
5 years 284 days ago

how can i unlock. i finial got to 300 and no achievement. please help. GamerTag: AngryBiffMalibu

5 years 299 days ago

Please ask them if they did not get the trophy just send us a short email - to [email protected] - with their Gamertags as well as one of their character's name or reply to this thread and we will handle the rest shortly after! 

5 years 304 days ago
Ok I went home and did another mission and it finally unlocked. So I'm grateful for whatever you've done behind the scenes to make that happen - it does feel slightly ridiculous that I had to come here and give my details, then you had to go away and do a "check" before it actually unlocked though. Clearly the patch is still not working as intended.

I know some other players that are in the same position I was with it not unlocking - should I tell them to post on these forums and then you can manually help them out as you did for me? It's great mine is finally fixed but I'd rather it was fixed for everyone else too.


5 years 304 days ago
Did you complete a mission since my comment? Please do so and the achievement should pop up this time!
5 years 304 days ago
Checked what? Since last night I've done ten missions on the star map. Did another this morning and nothing happened. I've done different mission types, different difficulty levels (white, green, yellow, orange), different planets/sectors.

So what is the issue? I'm on Xbox One and my gamertag is jackanape. So if there is a problem with my profile I'd be grateful to see what it is.

5 years 304 days ago
Could you please run an Open World mission one more time? It should be good now as we checked! 
5 years 305 days ago
Been a while since I checked this thread so was happy to see the fix. Loaded the game up and played two random missions on the Starmap and the achievement still hasn’t unlocked.

I thought this was fixed? This is beyond a joke now. Why doesn’t it work?

5 years 313 days ago
Play a Starmap mission regardless of its type and the achievement will pop up!
5 years 315 days ago
Player ID - -> NMGCnewdawn
5 years 315 days ago
Hey Marco, sad to say... New patch, same crap. I am sorry for using this kind of language but I really had enough. Just updated the game on Xbox, started a random mission (after having two missions crash, more of the same) and nothing. Did another, nothing. 3 priority assignments, nothing. My maxed out radical character still does not get the achievos. Please look into this. Like I said before, got the game on the first day of release, bought some of the DLCs as well, always believing in you guys and your ability to get the game to its full potencial. Now, I don't think I will play anymore and, of course, buy DLCs for a game that's been broken from the beginning and that never gets really fixed is, indeed, a waste of money. Would be more than happy to get back to it if this gets finally fixed but, otherwise, I'm feeling that it's almost a waste of time, as things are never as they should be. Please look into this. Thank you
5 years 316 days ago

i stand a few seconds in the ship and the achievement popped up without playing a mission... thanks for fixing

5 years 316 days ago
Please complete an Open World mission, the achievement will pop up after it ended.
5 years 317 days ago
The " Tough Choices " Achievement is still unlock ...but i maxed out the puritan way ....
5 years 317 days ago
Which achievement is missing on your account?
5 years 318 days ago

don`t work for me .... played open world mission, tarot mission, priority assignment....still no achievement

5 years 318 days ago
thx worked for me. Just started a random misson in hub after getting my reward and standing a few secs in the ship the achievo popped
5 years 318 days ago

Please log in and complete one random Open World mission regardless of its type. Confirm if the achievement popped up.

5 years 319 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 5 years 331 days ago
The upcoming patch has been sent to certification, once it underwent the process we will push it live! Naturally the mentioned algorithm is included in the patch!
Still didn't unlock

5 years 319 days ago

i reached the maximun of the radical-tree today (after downloading the latest patch) and no achievement popped for me :(

5 years 320 days ago
The upcoming patch will come out this week for both PS4 and Xbox!
5 years 323 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 5 years 331 days ago
The upcoming patch has been sent to certification, once it underwent the process we will push it live! Naturally the mentioned algorithm is included in the patch!
Is this for Xbox? PS4? Both? Just curious since I've always added "(XB1)" and key words like "achievements" into my post. But more times than not I've had responses with "trophy" which I  assume that the staff are assuming it's a PS4 only problem

5 years 331 days ago
Ok, let's wait and see if this gets solved.... Thxs for the info
5 years 331 days ago
The upcoming patch has been sent to certification, once it underwent the process we will push it live! Naturally the mentioned algorithm is included in the patch!
5 years 339 days ago
Thank you for your feedback... Do hope you guys get it, this time
5 years 339 days ago

The patch is almost fully prepared on our end which includes the achievement algorithm. As soon as the certification process we will release it! The length of the mentioned process is uncertain but it will not take as long as it took with the last patch!
I will update this thread in case of any news regarding the patch! 

5 years 340 days ago
Marcopolocs, what is the status of this? Is it fixed? Is there a patch on the way? If so, when is it expected? If not, what is the hold up? Please clarify, because your latest reply was somewhat a little messy.. 
5 years 341 days ago
I keep checking on this thread in case something has changed. 

Judging from your last comment then, the fix you mentioned when I first started this thread - that is supposed to check whether an achievement is unlocked and then unlock it if not, was never actually pushed out on Xbox One at all and is coming in the next patch? Is that right? If so I'm a little confused why that wasn't said at the start as I was quite clear about what platform I was playing on.

I mean I could run through the game on easy with another character and try to max out the Morality bar again but it doesn't really seem worth the effort until you can confirm one way or the other that it'll actually work next time or if you're going to fix the game so it'll just pop up with my maxed out character next time you push out the patch. Could this algorithm not be pushed as a hotfix or do we have to wait for the next big patch on Xbox One entirely? If so, any idea of when that is planned to be?

5 years 344 days ago
To what fix are you referring to? The hotfix which was now released, fixed some things, messed others (according to all the complaints on the official thread) and did nothing for this issue in particular?  Or some other fix that, again, did not fix this? Or does your "fix" mean that, for players that already met the requirement such as myself and did not get the achievo, the only way to get it is to do everything again with a brand new or different character? Because the funny thing is that I played a couple of hours today and, when I started, the percentage of players with the achievement was 0, 06% and now is 0,07%...Christ, is it that hard to fix this?? It seems that you prefer to spend your resources in developing and releasing half-baked updates than fixing what is broken. If it can't be fixed, replace or remove the damn thing!! 
5 years 345 days ago

We worked on the solution and released the fix on PS4 but the Xbox required a little more time but we are doing our best and will push the fixes out to Xbox as soon as possible. The patch arrived later than we expected due to the strict certification process but the next one will come sooner! Our apologize for the inconvenience! 

5 years 346 days ago
This is indeed getting ridiculous... This issue has been pointed out more than once since the beginning and does not seem to get a proper solution. Just maxed out the puritan side without getting the achievement, which is the last one missing. Logged out, back in, nothing. Logged with another user, logged back, still nothing. Turned off the console, switched on, nothing still. Not to mention that we get a crafting perk that is nowhere to be seen. Ido like the game a lot, a day one buy. But it is frustanting and increasingly harder to swallow and understand that, after all this time, that the players don't have a stable product yet. Can this be fixed once and for all? Playing on Xbox, user NMGCnewdawn. 
5 years 347 days ago
Ive had a stuck achievement for almost 60 days now. I was told a patch would be released "soon". I wouldnt hold my breath on a fix since TA and XBA still report broken achievements from another Neocore game which is Van Helsing
5 years 347 days ago
This is still broken - is it being looked into or fixed anytime soon? 

Many thanks.

5 years 351 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 5 years 352 days ago
Not today but on Tuesday so if you haven't played since then please check it! 
Logged in again last night to be sure and still no achievemnt. I've played on three seperate evenings since the patch/DLC now and have also have had more morality points above what is needed to max out the bar for Puritan and still nothing.

Can this now be looked at? Maybe a hotfix?

5 years 352 days ago


I have exactly the same problem.... yesterday i maxed out the puritan way and no achievement....

At the moment I am in the game and still no achievement...

Xbox GT: Manowar1974

Char:        Thor

5 years 352 days ago
Yes, I've played since Tuesday - that's how I played the new DLC. So if it's meant to check for unlocked achievements that should pop then it's not working as intended.

Maybe make sure that it's meant to unlock for both Radical and Puritan ends of the bar - as it seems weird that some people have got it to unlock and both of us have maxed out Puritan with no joy. Thanks.

5 years 352 days ago
Not today but on Tuesday so if you haven't played since then please check it! 
5 years 352 days ago

Was there a patch today? As I’ve played the game a few times since the DLC came out and it’s still locked. Signed in and out, changed character etc.

Will try again tonight.

Might it only work if you get max Radical? As it seems we both went Puritan.

5 years 352 days ago

we implemented an algorithm with the newest patch so at the start of the game it checks whether there is any achievement or trophy which has not been unlocked. Please give it a few more try and get back to us here if it still does not work!
Thanks in advance! 

5 years 353 days ago
(I am Scurvy) here...just did another assignment awarding 15 puritan points and no achievement.  The bar is locked over 300 Puritan points.
5 years 353 days ago
Same issue has effected another guy (gamertag: I am Scurvy) so this isn’t an isolated incident.

I then got a Priority assignment with 15 radical points but upon completing it I’m still at 300 (max) Puritan so I can’t even retry.

Patch please? This is the only achievement I’m missing.