[xbox] Non functional generated missions


Hey neocore.

I reported in my intel mission bug thread that normally generated missions are showing up without a preview map after adding tarot modifiers and crashing you out of the game but i think it has nothing to do with the tarot. Im finding more and more missions popping up that have no map the first time i see them and they all crash out the second you try to load them, no loading screen, just black, then home screen.

I dont know your back-end architecture but i think this may have something to do with the protocols your servers use to gerate missions for us, as there is no regularity to their appearance. When i played yesterday there was only the one i taroted, and so i mistakenly thought that ruined it. Today there are 3 i have noticed so far, plus the broken intel missions i generated before i learned to stop using them, which never seem to go away. 

My mission list is increasingly becoming a minefield of crash out links, and its very irritating as i actually rather like the respectable variety of the random missions. Pls try to fix these broken missions soon.

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[xbox] Non functional generated missions
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5 years 124 days ago
I will discuss this with our console team, thanks for the additional info!
5 years 125 days ago
No yea i get that, im not referring to the intel missions here, i already reported that and you apparently already knew about it. i only mentioned those because the missing maps made me think the problem is related.

Im talking about normal random missions, the ones that pop up every so often and time out eventually. There are some dropping without preview maps displayed, and they crash out if selected. I tried each of the ones that dropped today and every one crashed the game out. 

5 years 125 days ago
The missing preview maps on the Intel missions' briefing windows are intentional. On the other hand the next Xbox patch is supposed to fix the Intel mission crashes! We will release it as soon as it gone through the certification process.

There are two types of Inoculators and as a result there are 2 blueprints as well. We will get one of them removed not just from your list but from the game as well - it became obsolate. 

5 years 126 days ago
I also wanted to mention that the blueprints you start with dont seem to invalidate new pickups of the same type (marking it "known" and refusing to let you consume them. Idk if its random but i started with an innoculator blueprint, a new one dropped and i used it not remembering i started with it, and i now have  innoculator listed twice in my crafting list. Id appreciate it if someone could go into my account and delete the dupe from my list. My xbox gamer tag is "dr bamf phd mmt" and my character is named "lucien helonas" thx