[XB1] Discordant Choir Not Available With Season Pass?


Why is the Discordant Choir DLC not available to Season Pass holders on Xbox? I have it on PS4?

Let me guess... You'll thank me for reporting this? You're somewhat aware of the issue? AND there will be a fix "soon"? Now when is soon? After P.C. launch of Omnisiah? OR when resources and personel are not working on a stand alone PC expansion? 

The more and more I want to promote this game thru, YouTube, Twitch, or Mixer the more it lets me down. Everytime people see me playing they ask "Would you recommend this game?" In which my response is alway "If you like the Inquisitor lore of 40K and playing an isometrical ARPG solo, Yes. BUT if you like a finished game with a co-op campaign you might want to wait til late summer. And maybe then some"

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[XB1] Discordant Choir Not Available With Season Pass?
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5 years 271 days ago
Here's to hoping, friend !
5 years 272 days ago
Posted by Nonchelante1990 5 years 272 days ago
IT would've helped people like me, who like 40k much more than fantasy. But since prophecy is stand alone....And new class only playable story-wise in prophecy campaign...I'm really upset about the goings on RN. I fully understand what you're saying. Had it been a fully fledged expansion and they have focused on fixing issues like you have RN, i would be more hopeful...
Fully understandable. I do apologize. I have been a 40k collector on and off again since late 90's and have been going hardcore in to Kill Team since September. 

I'm honestly disappointed in Games Workshop being so free withe the licensing to anyone who wants to make a game. Console players suffer the most since they target P.C. developeras and port bad games. For once I wish GWS would give consoles an all of their own I.P. and hold developers accountable as much as, Emporer help me, Parker and Stone did with South Park The Stick of Truth. 

Maybe I'll be at good point IF we get a functioning 2.0 this summer and I can recommend it to my associates

5 years 272 days ago
IT would've helped people like me, who like 40k much more than fantasy. But since prophecy is stand alone....And new class only playable story-wise in prophecy campaign...I'm really upset about the goings on RN. I fully understand what you're saying. Had it been a fully fledged expansion and they have focused on fixing issues like you have RN, i would be more hopeful...
5 years 272 days ago
Posted by Nonchelante1990 5 years 272 days ago
It's fixed for me now, also new DLC "Hidden arsenal" went from "buy" option to just "download" 

The fact the option to download Forgotten Arsenal is showing up in the Pay$tation $tore and not in Micro$oft $tore is a big fact that there's a hiccup with Neocore's ability to releases items smoothly. 

Goes back to previous titles they tried bringing to Xbox.

Chaos bane be out in a few week and seeing the the player base for Inquisitor has been on the decline few months since breaking chievos, dont see 2.0 or Prophecy helping

5 years 272 days ago
Posted by Nonchelante1990 5 years 272 days ago
If your point was it SHOULD be free, then we fully agree here, i just said it costs money. So the OP knows it's not just him having the problem, it's on the PS4 too.
I am the O.P. and have both PS4 and Xbox versions If you READ the oripinal post.

The point was my PS4 had NO Problems downloading it tThursday. But my Xbox still is not reflecting that I own the season pass although I bought the Imperial edition and have previous downloaded other content. According to Micro$oft custer support its on Neocore's end
5 years 272 days ago
It's fixed for me now, also new DLC "Hidden arsenal" went from "buy" option to just "download" 
5 years 272 days ago
If your point was it SHOULD be free, then we fully agree here, i just said it costs money. So the OP knows it's not just him having the problem, it's on the PS4 too.
5 years 272 days ago
I HAVE the console version dude. For the PS4. The new DLC JUST released costs MONEY. OK? You can't challenge that LMAO. I have the season pass and imperium edition.
5 years 272 days ago
Posted by BekkaToravu 5 years 273 days ago

If you read the header you wouldve seen the [XB1] which means Xbox. 

Seeing that WH40KIM was released on consokeds AUG 2018 I'm pretty sure that falls in to the 1 yr scope with the DLD being released May 2019. 

Let me help you with math.  Aug thru Dec 2018 equals 4 month. Jan til May 2019 is 5 months. 5+4=9. 12 mons 1 yr. 12-9=3. 

So any planned DLC next 3 mons til Aug 2019 should be free.

Well i find it weird as hell that PS4 and XB1 gets different season passes Mr. Professor. You seem like a really likeable guy. Little runt.
5 years 273 days ago
Posted by Nonchelante1990 5 years 273 days ago
The season pass was for the first year after release, all new dlc is not included.

If you read the header you wouldve seen the [XB1] which means Xbox. 

Seeing that WH40KIM was released on consokeds AUG 2018 I'm pretty sure that falls in to the 1 yr scope with the DLD being released May 2019. 

Let me help you with math.  Aug thru Dec 2018 equals 4 month. Jan til May 2019 is 5 months. 5+4=9. 12 mons 1 yr. 12-9=3. 

So any planned DLC next 3 mons til Aug 2019 should be free.

This comment was edited 5 years 273 days ago by BekkaToravu
5 years 273 days ago
The season pass was for the first year after release, all new dlc is not included.