Why No Local Campaign CO-OP


Why can we not have 2 accounts play through the campaign locally - and will this option be coming to console. The only reason I brought this game was because I was expecting a Diablo esque game set in the 40k universe that me and my son could play through together sharing and trading loot along the way. 

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Why No Local Campaign CO-OP
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5 years 72 days ago
I thought this was coming with the 2.0 patch.  Or am I thinking about something else?   I remember something with local co-op was changing with the 2.0 patch at least.
5 years 72 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 5 years 72 days ago
The feature you mentioned won't be coming to console due to various technical reasons.
That is a disappointing response. 

local co-op is a basic function of console arpgs.

Please try again.

5 years 72 days ago
The feature you mentioned won't be coming to console due to various technical reasons.
5 years 73 days ago
I am mistaken then.
5 years 73 days ago
Posted by LoneKharnivore 5 years 74 days ago

You need to create a second account on your console and create a character for your son under that account, then you can play local co-op as you are wanting.

i cant seem to be able to do this. i play this kind of games with my wife, but is boring to be just an apendix of player 1
5 years 74 days ago

You need to create a second account on your console and create a character for your son under that account, then you can play local co-op as you are wanting.