What's happening


What's going on????  I purchased this game last night downloaded it and can't play it, after 2-3 minutes it says mission completed and my character disappears and that's that can't do anything at all but shut down game even after waiting 10 minutes to give it a chance. NOT EXACTLY WHAT I EXPECTED FROM A NEWLY PURCHASED GAME AND CERTAINLY NOT THE BEST START TO PLAYER COMPANY RELATIONS, anybody know what's happening is this the same for others? 

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What's happening
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5 years 356 days ago

could you please check it again? We ran a couple of fixes over the last 24 hours which reportedly fixed several accounts. 

5 years 356 days ago
Just tried and can't get further than next screen now could be a long day 
5 years 356 days ago

everything was resolved. missions work fine.

5 years 357 days ago

I'm having the some problem here too.

5 years 357 days ago
Welcome to the nightmare, take a seat.