What does increase effectiveness mean?


What does the psyker mastery "Increases the Power's Effectiveness" mean? And does it work for buffs since all I can see is that the warp heat cost increased but I did not notice anything else.

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What does increase effectiveness mean?
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4 years 326 days ago
4 years 329 days ago

Here is the full list of the Enhanced Effect mastery's functioning:

Death Augury: Heals 75% Hp and suppression upon activation instead of 50%.
Divine Shot: Damage bonus increased to 130% from 100%
Foreboding: Damage bonus increased to 65% from 50%
Misfortune: Armor reduction increased from 40% (standard armor value for “armored”) to 50%
Precognition: Duration reduction value changes to 3 from 5 on hit taken.
Precognitive Dodge: Dodge bonus against ranged increased to 40% from 25%
Endurance: Damage reduction increased to 20% from 15%
Warp Speed: Cooldown reduction and damage bonus values increased to 35% from 25%
Enfeeble: Stun effect activates on Suppressed (yellow) suppression level
Levitation: Reduces Warp heat cost to 0 (/sec)
Telekinetic Dome: Increased damage reduction from 30% to 36%

It is our intention to implement this into the game sometime soon so the changes are properly indicated.