Weekly Glory System


Hey, im not sure if the weekly Glory System is working as intended atm. With the PL changes, the Glory Reward System need changes too. I tried to determine with PL give +5 / + 10 / +20 Points for the weekly Glory Meter. So far it was unconclusive:

Green Mission (appropiate mission for your PL - same PL or under your current Powerlevelrating) give + 10

Yellow Mission (challenging missions - clearly over your PL) give also +10

Red Mission (well i couldnt finish one - far over your own PL) give ???

Investigation - not tested

After the PL changes its not quite clear for me how it applies to the weekly glory meter. Option 1 its not working as intended anymore (because PL System changed), Option 2 i am missing something,Option 3 the description for the weekly glory system ingame needs adjustment.

Let me know what you guys think!

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Weekly Glory System
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7 years 161 days ago

I did not even recieve the glory rewards from last week yet and cabal directives have not resettet from last week too, so it is not working as intended