Week passed since release on consoles


Game still unavailable in Russia, Neocore support tell me "contact publisher about refund" and publisher don't want to offer refund, because "it's problem with servers which out of our hands, talk with Neocore".

I understand what it was some mistake and not working game somehow manage to reach Russian PS store, but how you guys "trying" to fix this mistake looks grim. You can't do anything and don't want to lose money, so you just bounce people between support members asking same questions and turning on full ignore mode then word "refund" comes to play.

You selling released game, not pre-order with random release date. Game is completely unplayable for WHOLE REGION for a week and you treating with this problem like "OK, they gave us money so let's just ignore them and they forget about one game in their library". Is that how Neocore treating problems?

This post was edited 6 years 211 days ago by Alevry
Store Page
Week passed since release on consoles
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6 years 172 days ago
I too cannot connect and play the game I paid for. Fix it ASAP please. It's like buying a cheeseburger from McDonald's and only getting the wrapping. This is not cool.
6 years 175 days ago
Great to hear it works for you as well!

We are still collecting feedback if anyone else still have connection problems so feel free to contact us at [email protected] and share the recent results!

6 years 176 days ago

Dear Inquisitors from Russia, it looks like the dark times are over, and from now on we can cleanse, purge, kill! I’ve just tried to log in the game and it worked! No proxies, no buben’s dances. 

Try by yourselves, maybe finally the problem with servers is solved. 

If it’s so, thank you, NeocoreGames! 

For the Emperor!

6 years 178 days ago

I did not want to get back to you just yet without a proper answer since things are in motion on our side and we try to reverse the situation. I cannot provide more detail on the matter but we are trying to handle the matter another way than up till now - nothing can be certain though.

This comment was edited 6 years 178 days ago by Marcopolocs
6 years 179 days ago

5 days passed and still no news? Not a single? All i asked is the answer should I wait a bit more or should I delete the game and forget about the money i spent, cause after almost 6 weeks of waiting no refunds for me for sure!

6 years 183 days ago
I will inquire about the current situation and will get back to you here as soon as possible!
6 years 184 days ago

Question to Marcopolocs. Plase answer at least something about situation with Russia. The game was removed from PSN of that region, but not the DLC and "cosmetics". Can we still hope for accessing your servers in future? What about relocating in unbanned areas? PLEASE, don't ignore this.

6 years 187 days ago

What about servers in Russia ?

6 years 196 days ago

3 weeks passed and still no news for Russian players? Can You give us some "hope"? Or we should forget about solving the connection problem and delete the game, which we waiting for so long? Please answer at least something, cause other tech support keep silent (I mean from russian side).

6 years 202 days ago
Careful, or you may fall from grace like me. You should see how @Megapull reacted when I wrote that this game is just a bad console port: like I personally insulted him. And also pay attention in the console information thread how many thunbs down my posts got (3) where I criticized the game and how manz thunbs up posts full of praise received (also 3). Coincidental? I think not. At least @Megapull took it like a man and simply dragged my reputation through the mud. I am in a similar situation like you btw. I paid 80€ for the Imperium Edition, voice entirely justified criticism and they do what every good bad (pun imtended) developer do and either shift the blame or flat-out ignore you
6 years 206 days ago
Posted by Megapull 6 years 206 days ago

All console sales related things are handled by our publisher, that's why we tell you to get in contact with them.

And they say "game is bugged, contact to Neocore, they handle game related things"

6 years 206 days ago
Posted by KWRampage 6 years 210 days ago

I'm joining the request. Dear Neocregames, please react somehow, and it would be better if you fix the issue, instead of sending us to local publisher. 

We're purchasing your games not to be ignored.

Best regards,

All console sales related things are handled by our publisher, that's why we tell you to get in contact with them.

6 years 207 days ago
I'm join too!))
6 years 207 days ago

I join !  Since the release i can not play , for which i paid 1/4 of my salary .

6 years 210 days ago

I'm joining the request. Dear Neocregames, please react somehow, and it would be better if you fix the issue, instead of sending us to local publisher. 

We're purchasing your games not to be ignored.

Best regards,