We should be able to scale missions to our current power level similar to tarot missions.


I try to finish my influence with older system/content and the only way to-do this with my character is to un-equip everything except a 1h axe. The problem is i cant buy/craft low power items and anything higher than 150 yields no influence, so it comes down to running naked with a good weapon.

Why is there no option to scale the old content to what level i am, similar to tarot so i can pick a decent difficulty and still get glory, xp, fate?

Why is there a incentive in a ARPG to purposefully gimp yourself so you can play old content, which i out leveled by simply playing the story?

This post was edited 6 years 213 days ago by andy22
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6 years 212 days ago
Posted by Tao12345 6 years 213 days ago
You are probably supposed to make an alt for that. -.-

The systems having different power levels that are in no relation to your char does not really make sense,
as it does not make sense that missions spawn with random power levels, also unrelated to your own,
this only achieves that no one is able to get normal missions at exactly the power level they want,
and that you spend time for no reason at all, clicking through systems to find something that somehow matches what you want.
The systems also pose no purpose at all by themself, as the missions are all the same except for their power level.

In short, the whole system is bad design from the start.

What makes sense, would be that you:
- unlock different systems / sites / planets through campaign and/or quests or other means
- each system, or even each planet/site would have different boons and handicaps, different loot chances, different chances to spawn random mini bosses or special items that lead to other encounters/bosses
- random warp surges that move over time could make some systems/sites more difficult/rewarding, or somehow special in some way
- other means to make those places actual places and not pointless names and icons with no relation at all to the missions that spawn next to them

I really like these ideas of unlocking systems through special means/campaigns or even good old fashioned secrets (ie random clues that drop randomly from mobs in different systems that together form a course to a hidden system with increased difficulty/improved changes at loot).

Also having random warp storms that occur, or flow throughout the global maps that temporarily change mission conditions for different systems would be awesome too, and feel really organic to the story/warhammer universe.

6 years 212 days ago
Posted by Tao12345 6 years 213 days ago
You are probably supposed to make an alt for that. -.-

The systems having different power levels that are in no relation to your char does not really make sense,
as it does not make sense that missions spawn with random power levels, also unrelated to your own,
this only achieves that no one is able to get normal missions at exactly the power level they want,
and that you spend time for no reason at all, clicking through systems to find something that somehow matches what you want.
The systems also pose no purpose at all by themself, as the missions are all the same except for their power level.

In short, the whole system is bad design from the start.

What makes sense, would be that you:
- unlock different systems / sites / planets through campaign and/or quests or other means
- each system, or even each planet/site would have different boons and handicaps, different loot chances, different chances to spawn random mini bosses or special items that lead to other encounters/bosses
- random warp surges that move over time could make some systems/sites more difficult/rewarding, or somehow special in some way
- other means to make those places actual places and not pointless names and icons with no relation at all to the missions that spawn next to them

Yeah good ideas, its not this hard to combine existing mechanics to make the star-map feel more meaningfully and rewarding.

My point is that by just playing the story i easily outgrow the systems, so that i now have to play this inventory minigame where i try to match my PR to the system i still need influence. As noted the easiest way is to simply equip a 1h/2h, nothing else and blitz the missions.

The problem is for me doing that in a ARPG feels just wrong and crazy. Rerolling a new char just to unlock something is also bad, since the story has no branching elements and is always the same for everyone, despite the fact that i'm just not interested in the other classes.

6 years 212 days ago
I honestly don't see the problem with that... doing a white mission doesn't give you much XP, true, but the loot is still of the same quality as in a mission of your actual PR, so you do not at all lose out on loot, you don't really lose out on money either, and you get fate to boot -- add to that the fact that you can roflstomp through white missions in at least half the time, and I say this is a pretty sweet deal.

So the system itself isn't generally bad, no.

The only thing that's indeed really problematic is the fact that you don't get system reputation for white missions, so yeah, they could add a scaling option for those that do not want to roll an alt char, but I think that mainly this is in place so as to entice you to do exactly that: roll an alt.

6 years 213 days ago
I agree with you on this, seeing as this is like a reputation system. We should have ways of getting it up at higher levels with a scaling option or a nice idea would be use left over excessive glory we can farm on higher tiers to fill in those blanks but preferably just scale and the missions, go back and redo missions. 

Even the idea of taking off armour to lower your PR to the appropriate level isn't even great because to still lose glory being to high because and resort to almost running weaponless and no healing/grenades or armour buffs. The idea of having to level another character to do these all at the right level is tedious too.

Overall loving the game but a solution to this would be nice. Thanks for posting and putting it out there hopefully something can be done.

6 years 213 days ago
You are probably supposed to make an alt for that. -.-

The systems having different power levels that are in no relation to your char does not really make sense,
as it does not make sense that missions spawn with random power levels, also unrelated to your own,
this only achieves that no one is able to get normal missions at exactly the power level they want,
and that you spend time for no reason at all, clicking through systems to find something that somehow matches what you want.
The systems also pose no purpose at all by themself, as the missions are all the same except for their power level.

In short, the whole system is bad design from the start.

What makes sense, would be that you:
- unlock different systems / sites / planets through campaign and/or quests or other means
- each system, or even each planet/site would have different boons and handicaps, different loot chances, different chances to spawn random mini bosses or special items that lead to other encounters/bosses
- random warp surges that move over time could make some systems/sites more difficult/rewarding, or somehow special in some way
- other means to make those places actual places and not pointless names and icons with no relation at all to the missions that spawn next to them