Way to reset Tarot Cards


Please put in a mechanic to reset tarot cards or to level in a more effecient manner.  I had leveled up all my cards to level 2, not properlyunderstanding the system. I have been grinding from the start of the season and just realized my final item on the teir 4 list is to level up a card to level 3. The thought of getting all those random uther cards is overwhelming. Thank you!

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Way to reset Tarot Cards
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4 years 112 days ago
Please open a new thread of you have any other issue/feedback.
4 years 113 days ago
This is so frustrating...

I understand what to do. But I read the challenges to late so I updated too much... Is will take for ever. Stuck at tier 4 because of cards and that drop rate.. Mhm. 

I have some other questions.... Can I write it here or new thingi? 


4 years 113 days ago
Hi thanks for the info is there a way to validate that this approach actually works? I fear doing this and not upgrading card only to later discover the randomness is not taking into account if the card has been upgraded or not..
4 years 117 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 4 years 117 days ago
The randomness can be restricted to those cards you want to upgrade. You just have to make sure that after you maxed out a level on a Tarot card you don't upgrade it and as a result the consumables won't be applied to them.
OK I understand what you are saying. Its not super dooper efficient, but it is valid and I had not thought of it so thanks. And just to be sure, has anyone validated that the consumable doesn't get applied to a card awaiting upgrade? Not to be a Martyr.. ba dum dum
4 years 117 days ago
The randomness can be restricted to those cards you want to upgrade. You just have to make sure that after you maxed out a level on a Tarot card you don't upgrade it and as a result the consumables won't be applied to them.
4 years 117 days ago
Posted by Brother Kundari 4 years 122 days ago
What you do is to Upgrade only 1 or 2 single Cards when you are able to do so. If you focus on every single one of them Cards to get them top ups, you never gonna make it. It takes ages.

So go ahead, choose 1-2 Cards you want to Focus on, and every time they can be upgraded, you do so. And then you stop thinking about all the other ones.

OK I am ready. Please enlighten me on how to d this. If it is true this would be fantastic. I can not figure out how to do this. The card upgrades all say they upgrade a random card.

Just in case, I have tried your advice. I have focused, staring at a single card for hours then doing the random upgrade and it went to a different card.

I have put the name of the card I want to get the point under my pillow, then the next day, nothing still random.

I tried drawing a picture of it and putting it under a pyramid. Nothing still random.

If you can explain how to do this it will be a huge game changer.

4 years 121 days ago

We will think about a reset option but for now I would recommend what @BROTHER KUNDARI‍ said below: do not upgrade any Tarot cards that you will not likely to use in the future. Focus on those which you like and then the Tarot card consumables will be applied onto these.

4 years 122 days ago
What you do is to Upgrade only 1 or 2 single Cards when you are able to do so. If you focus on every single one of them Cards to get them top ups, you never gonna make it. It takes ages.

So go ahead, choose 1-2 Cards you want to Focus on, and every time they can be upgraded, you do so. And then you stop thinking about all the other ones.