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Updates to W40K: Inquisitor - Martyr have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client (in on-line mode) is restarted.
It is also recommended to delete any launch parameters you previously had (you can re-add them if they help again, but it is safer to assume everything works best without them)
- Improved Co-Op stability
- There might be several issues still but we have resolved quite a few of them, making co-op gameplay smoother and more stable.
- Reduced item loss issues drastically
- We have tested this for 2 days without losing items - the issue might still be there though, but we have eliminated quite a few ways to lose an item.
- People who have lost items in the past ~2 days should also get back their items when they log in. Praise the Emperor!
If you still encounter these problems or any others, feel free to use our new bug tracker.
Next major patch with significant updates is incoming soon.
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dissatisfaction with the lack of communication not lack of patch/update this would be fine if we where told and as you say "involved in" implies we are involved but when we had to hunt for information on other sites to find out what is going to make me doubt how "involved" we are.
I dislike pointing people out as being wrong but I would refute the statement that devs have been any less involved or disingenuous with us. Any mention of patches that didn't come into play, were because they were never officially announced in the first place and were mere speculation mainly circulated by us, the players - being overly hopeful. When we are due patches, they are announced here formally. Perhaps not all minor onces.
Any information you are finding on other sites that isn't here isn't official therefore and isn't a sign of the devs being less involved. All you have to do is read the discord chat to see we are constantly engaged in conversation with them. If anything i'd suggest you rely on discord for updates as we are conantly told of the games and devs progress.
Re the inconvenience of having to use a bug tracker, not sure what can be done to remedy that - we are here to fix bugs, not to enjoy a game (right now at least) - if the mantis tracker does it better than a forum then so be it :)
Because that was not official. I mean, if there is something new and official - that information will be posted here! So you don't have to follow all of the channels for official information. But if you want to know how we are working on things or you would like to know additional information, then you should follow our other channels too.
That's why I wrote that, every single official news will be posted here. The bigger ones will be posted to reddit as well and to the other platforms. The little ones may not. But for that you just have to follow our Discord channel. Community Hub and Reddit are the same.
dissatisfaction with the lack of communication not lack of patch/update this would be fine if we where told and as you say "involved in" implies we are involved but when we had to hunt for information on other sites to find out what is going to make me doubt how "involved" we are.
- Here (Community Hub), you can find all the information about the game.
- We have a Discord channel, where players can ask directly from the Devs (or just chat with them).
- We have a Reddit page where you can do the same thing as at the Community Hub.
- And we have a Bug tracker, which is very useful to the Support team.
But you just need to follow the Community Hub. You can still post bugs here if you want, but you can also share your feedback or read the latest news and patch notes.
dissatisfaction with the lack of communication not lack of patch/update this would be fine if we where told and as you say "involved in" implies we are involved but when we had to hunt for information on other sites to find out what is going to make me doubt how "involved" we are.
I think this is a post of dissatisfaction about the lack of a patch today, as they said they hoped to do. I agree, I am sad there was not patch today, as I would like to see the next milestone reached, however, your tone implies you don't understand what you're currently involved in. I recommend you reread the content and goals of the limited Alpha founding launch.
It might be best for you to either get a refund and walk away, or simply stop following this game until launch and then redownload and enjoy the final product.
must say i'm getting annoyed by all this what to report a bug no no got to do that on another site once you've signed up for it now, what to check when next update is (was meant to be friday got delad till monday) no no got to check on a different site once you've signed up for it! its almost like they are trying to distance them selfs from the game like they have lost interest confidence and are going to drop it.
i'm sorry you have a site a hub where you were putting all the info but now nope going to hide it els where happy hunting.
Nice work so far over the past weeks ;)
If I click on the chest on the upper left corner the game crashes :-/ So I can't play the game now, because I have to get the rewards fisrst before I can start new missions. Somebody got an idea when the next patch come out?
I'm losing every weapon & item I equip my character with. I started a brand new character and when I drop into battle only the start/default items are there. Back in the inventory, all the items I attempted to equip are gone.
Still losing items: this time happened when changing armour: i've lost two PURPLE very rare weapons; a plasma pistol and a bolt pistol; my fav ones! I have tried to log in and out but they're still missing, probably forever. I hope you will solve this annoyng bug forever. But i will keep playning a lot to help this wonderful WK40 game
Great! Is there a chance that we can try the next major patch this already this weekend?
Please note my internet connection is not the issue here, 4 others I play with also have the same issue so I assume its simply down to our location ( Aus) vs Server location ? anyway good work on stability but alas still unplayable over on this side of the pond :(
Fantastic news.
Just started work but looking forward to jumping on tonight for a few hours of purging!
Keep up the great work.
Sorry fellas, but the issue with the grenade launcher changing into the weapon that it replaced is still alive and well.
Awesome work Kudos to the whole team.
Now to get testing.
One question though: Are we still only with Tier 1 Missions and Gear or is there some form of missions and loot progression coming sometime soon in the future?
I see a few people are able to get high Attack and Defense ratings but i find no matter what missions i run or loot drops i get i can barely get to 2 attack or defense. I was able to get to 5 and 4 respectively with gear i acquired from the few T3 and T4 missions i was able to run before patch 0.1.4 but alas the stats of these items were changed by you after patch 0.1.5 which brought them in line with T1 gear stats.
Here the same problem. Only T1 mission and gear soat the moment i can reach 44/60 attack rating and 57/60 defense rating.
Awesome work Kudos to the whole team.
Now to get testing.
One question though: Are we still only with Tier 1 Missions and Gear or is there some form of missions and loot progression coming sometime soon in the future?
I see a few people are able to get high Attack and Defense ratings but i find no matter what missions i run or loot drops i get i can barely get to 2 attack or defense. I was able to get to 5 and 4 respectively with gear i acquired from the few T3 and T4 missions i was able to run before patch 0.1.4 but alas the stats of these items were changed by you after patch 0.1.5 which brought them in line with T1 gear stats.
praise the emperor indeed! i'll let you know if i encounter any more item loss! keep up the great work!
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