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- Warhammer Changelog - V0.1.4
Updates to W40K: Inquisitor - Martyr have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client (in on-line mode) is restarted.
It is also recommended to delete any launch parameters you previously had (you can re-add them if they help again, but it is safer to assume everything works best without them)
New game mode: Bunker Busting
- There are 3 Laser Batteries defending a Bunker. Eliminate all of them before storming the Bunker!
- Available on Rocky map setting
New game mode: Silence the Gun
- There are AA turrets deployed all over the map - purge them in the name of the Emperor!
- Available on Rocky map setting
New game mode: Daemonic Incursion
- Daemon portals spawned across the map, spawning hordes of enemies - beware, Inquisitor: if you eliminate a gate, the rest of themwill get stronger.
- Available on all map settings
- New weapon: Grenade Launcher
- New weapon: Greatsword
- New terrain variants now available
- You can now click on players' name in chat and invite them
- There is now a new window added for opening loot boxes, indicating contents of the box
- New feature: System Influence and Directive reward notification window
- There are some issues with these still, we are aware of it
- Updated character looks
Fixed Bugs
- Logoff icon is removed from the main menu for now
- Some maps were respawning enemies, this has been changed
- Fixed some Spoil locations in Spoils of War game modes
- Stationary Cannons are now facing the correct way
- Fixed a bug where security doors were attackable after they've opened
- Tweaked the price of certain items
- Fixed a menu that shouldn't have appeared
- Fixed a crash occurring at drag&drop
- Fixed an issue where weapon set tabs did not indicate stance properly after switching weapon sets
- Numerous minor text, modell, effect fixes
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I have gone through all the standard steps, however each game launch same message, Only choices are to reconnect....which displays the same duplicate login or to quit
when will the patch?
Indeed game runs without crashes. Problems I encounter since monday.
Managed to play 2 player coop until end for 2/6 games. For both games we finished we sticked close (half a screen distance for example). If one of us delayed entering a room or was far , server timed out error. The loot for all those missions had 0 rating so unusable. Also every game I hosted, server timed out error. The "successful" ones were hosted by my buddy.
Then 2 days ago I think my 17lvl character is missing. New character unable to sustain a stable inventory. Items change right after purchase. for example a greeny turns yellow instantly. If it wont turn yellow and equip, goes away at the start of the mission.
Also it would be helpfull, and I would be grateful if u fix that nvidia not recognizing game.exe and have to change global settings.
pfff wrong section for post sorry plz mods delete it from here.
Still mission animation for melee+pistol combination
Melee still cant atack blocked doors
Keep the purge devs!
character doesnot remember the points i have attached (every start 4 aviable points)
Same problem for me - "character doesnot remember the points i have attached"
I agree with the Melta needing to deal more damage to single targets the Melta weapons are deadly in the 40K tabletop game, Multi melta should do massive damage but also have decent AOE aswell its one of the most deadly low to mid range weapons available lore wise.
character doesnot remember the points i have attached (every start 4 aviable points)
The Grenade launcher is ridiculously overpowered and seams to have an ammo capacity of around 200 rounds (loving it though)
Melta is still way underpowerd/ineffective, it should do massive damage to single targets but not have any AoE 'modes', in my opinion.
Certain item buffs can be multiples of the same effect e.g. I have a Bolter that has +11% and +7% to frag shell damage and there is no reason to use any other fire mode (as it refreshes so quickly) as this wrecks face.
Equipping a pistol and CC weapon or shield causes the Character to freeze pose with no walking animation (looks like he's skate boarding ) when moving around. That being said im not entirely sure what class pistols are for ?
Exploding 'fake' chests do no damage.
The graphics for me a too 'shiny' this is the Grimdark future, it doesn't yet feel bleak enough or dirty enough. Everything is Gloss when it should be Matt, again in my opinion.
It is still totally awesome though and I'm loving trying out all the new stuff, keep up the good work guys, this is going to be a great game !
The game runs smooth(er), 40-50 frames in hallways but still drops down to around 20-25 in bigger rooms, but during combat the FPS doesn't drop like a wrecking ball anymore - kudos!
Haven't experienced crashes since 0.1.2.
@Camponotus you can always equip two pistols in one slot and a heavy in the other - switch to the pistols when you need to move around and switch to the heavy when fighting enemies :)
But I agree, a sprint key would be appreciated
I am thinking that game-play feels a little sluggish. I realize we are only playing the heavy class right now so things should feel heavier and more ponderous than some of the other classes. However it just feels slow walking around.
Maybe a run or sprint feature? Maybe the heavy class just takes longer to get up to speed and longer to stop so still feels weighty?
Otherwise looks like this is shaping up to be a-lot of fun!
so far for me, before this patch, i could not finish a mission. i would get the weapon switch or the "play for 10 minutes" crash. this crash would usually only be resolvable with a restart. rarely did ctrl-alt-del even work. so far, after this patch, i have not had either crash and got my melee to level 7 with some gear.
i have, however crashed at the end of every mission. a simple restart loads up my drops from the mission. i am getting a gear-eating bug somewhere. two boxes definitely did not give me the loot when i hit claim. others did work, but somewhere along switching weapons in the inventory a shield got eaten, basically disappeared. i'm sure it is known that pistols are weird with melee, clearly the animations for pistols on melee (w/ sword and/or shield) are not created yet. i'd talk more about the way they work with melee as well, but that's for another thread.
this patch does make the game run much better for me. previously, i hadn't gone much over 30 fps, and down to 20 or less sometimes when a lot was on the screen. now i get a solid 60 fps sometimes when there are no enemies (it looks really nice too), with dips to above 30 during fights. may go below 30 once in a while, but i am enjoying the game enough to not be looking at the frame counter. this is with almost max graphics, i may have the AA at 4 and not 8, but everything else is maxed.
AMD fx-8350/gigabyte mobo; 16g ddr3; gigabyte gtx 1060 6g; game is on SSD, windows 10 on separate SSD.
great game so far! i'll write more another time! only beginning week 2, keep up the great work!
Some missions/tilesets that previously worked seem to intermittently throw up the error as well. The station/indoor and rock/nurgle infested maps worked reliably for a while but are throwing up the error and the crash now.
Нормальная цена
Having the CoreTech2 error as mentioned by others,
Since the patch missions are not granting reward/loot, still encountering the occasional equipment not changing properly or reverting back to previous load outs when starting a mission this bug can also lead to the new attempted swapped in weapon being deleted from inventory/existence aswell.
Will weapon-specific skills stay fixed for specific weapons like they are at the moment, or will there be a more randomized system implemented later?
Like a Bolter that comes with burst fire instead of single shot, or firing-retreat (like currently only used on the autoguns), or maybe just expanding the weapon specific skill list with more powerful firing modes poping up only on rare loot.
CoreTech2 error
only one map works, Dagnor Primaris, Tenebra Subsector, Dagnor System.
can be a settings for music like 1 2 3 4 5% etc not just like 10 20 30%?!?!? And btw awsome jub ju done...keep it up
I also had the same issue on missions on Balthar System.
CoreTech2 error
Fatal error at GameLogic\GameMode\GameMode_ARPG.cpp(104): Map config file not found: OpenWorld/M09
Nice, a little bit more definition on the guns in inventory =)
Just had 2 consecutive missions successfully completed where my heroic deeds didn't advance and all my loot collected during the mission did not show up afterwards.
(these were different missions that I attempted, not the same as generated below error)
Same error as Vorag;
Fatal error at GameLogic\GameMode\GameMode_ARPG.cpp(104): Map config file not found: OpenWorld/M24
CoreTech2 error
Fatal error at GameLogic\GameMode\GameMode_ARPG.cpp(104): Map config file not found: OpenWorld/M03
First play after this update, new error for me at mission completion:
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:Warhammer_x64_11.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp:58a73e7a
Fault Module Name:Warhammer_x64_11.exe
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp:58a73e7a
Exception Code:c0000005
Exception Offset:000000000032af13
OS Version:6.1.7601.
Locale ID:1033
Additional Information 1:4157
Additional Information 2:4157062b7862d2eb926f94048eba4852
Additional Information 3:4e91
Additional Information 4:4e919fd79313a36b2ecd5b931ec0b863
Also, a nurgling became invincible and prevented me from completing it. Have screenshot.
owdowns still present
graphic options still don't save
Game is still uglier than the very first build, but depth is coming along in terms of gameplay, a better AI is needed however. Variety too
terrible slowdowns even with this low quality imagery
Enemies kind of look the same
ability AoEs still very creative. like flamers, or enemy explosions.
crashed once I completed the mission
the pizza's on me I'm in Italy! great job dev
Suggestion: In game chat text to notify fellow purgers of an impending update.
Set this current order state as My default.