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- Warhammer Changelog - v0.1.3
Warhammer Changelog - v0.1.3
Warhammer 40K Patch NotesUpdates to W40K: Inquisitor - Martyr have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client (in on-line mode) is restarted.
It is also recommended to delete any launch parameters you previously had (you can re-add them if they help again, but it is safer to assume everything works best without them)
Fixed Bugs
- Fixed numerous crashes
- Fixed chat scrolling errors
- Tutorials now only appear once
- Fixed an issue where after restarting a mission, you could get rewards
- Fixed an issue where Reborn Plagueseers did not attack the player
- Melee characters can now open security doors
- It is now easier to hit enemies behind pillar covers
- Fixed an issue where players were stuck in a party even though they left
- Skill popups coming from the Artifact popup now have a better location
- Numerous party window fixes
- Fixed an issue where players could not remap movement to WASD or anything else
- Fixed an issue where player accounts got stuck and the game crashed after pressing play
- Fixed a missing string for the message "Already loggged in"
- Removed Enable Controller tickbox from options menu (it will come back later ;)
- Fixed a crash that occurred when players tried to delete characters when there were none
- Fixed an issue that caused a missing DSCOMPILER_47.dll error message
- Players can now close the skill tab properly
- Fixed an issue where players' loot got removed after getting back to the Hub
- Fixed a crash occurring during Elite fights
- Removed the Master Volume bar (it did nothing)
- Chaos portal is no longer invulnerable
- Dreadnoughts can now be hit with melee weapons
- Plasma cannon now has textures
- Deleted characters now do not appear on the selection screen
- Fixed an issue where blue weapon attachments reverted to the old ones
- Fixed an issue where equipping a 2H weapon messed up the inventory
- Fixed a dupe glitch
- Other minor fixes
- Added numerous minor affixes to Signums
- There is now a message when someone declines a party invite
Known issues - Report new ones here (and if something is fixed from the list, you can also post)
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no weapons and no cash to buy weapons so can't start mission, btw the crit error that kicks you out of the game is because you have no weapon equipped
graphic options still don't save
Game is still uglier than the very first build, but depth is coming along in terms of gameplay, a better AI is needed however. Variety too
terrible slowdowns even with this low quality imagery
Enemies kind of look the same
crashed once I completed the mission
Fixed, there was a 19hour long session that messed up the server.
coop play doesnt seemto work - tried multiple partners / sessions and couldnt connect to a coop "server"
other than that , very stable build for me!
- Weird chat behavior still happends to me like switching randomly to general from party chat.
- Party chat during mission keeps duplicating messages sending one with the account name and another with the character name
- Conection timeout is a common issue while launching a mission and prob related to host since happends with some people and not with others even if they are from similar areas. Where are the servers located?
I already have played this alpha more then EC in general :P
- Equipping a melee and ranged weapon has the character wield the hammer like a ranged weapon. No attack animation is played for the melee weapon though damage is dealt.
- Chat still doesn't seem to update or scroll properly for me.
- Had a shield equipped with a pistol, couldn't swap out the pistol for a melee weapon and shield for a pistol, had to equip a 2 handed weapon first.
- Still find that plagueseers do not always attack.
- Don't know if it's been disabled or not in this build but haven't seen a kill animation against a large enemy like dreadnought lately. Perhaps since the actual alpha started
- In one of the Archeotech maps character got stuck in piping along the wall and was unable to jump out, blow it up or move. Have only seen this once.
When trying to select a mission, I get a unable to connect error followed by a zoom in of the planet and a game freeze.
Updated the changelog because apparently things I did not know about were fixed too...
All my reported bugs are mostly gone as well.
Guys i tip my boltgun to you and yours.
Awesome round of patching! :D
Cannot wait to see what will come next in the coming weeks!
dont know why but the game is feeling smoother for me after this patch
- Fixed an issue where players could not remap movement to WASD or anything else
This may be the greatest fix known to mankind and beyond
Set this current order state as My default.