W40K Inquisitor - Martyr - Xbox One Pre-Order Update



We have received an update from our console publisher Bigben Interactive, we're posting their letter about digital pre-orders here:

Hi everyone,

As some of you have noticed, Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr is no longer available for pre-order from Microsoft Store on Xbox consoles. If you pre-ordered the game, your order will be cancelled. If you have already been charged, your payment method will be refunded.

Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr will release digitally from Microsoft Store on Xbox consoles on July 5th.

Since digital pre-orders won’t be available again on Xbox One, we would like to compensate anyone who digitally pre-ordered on Xbox One by offering the Servo Skull Pet pre-order bonus. Please contact hotline[at]bigben[dot]fr with the following information:

  • Email subject: Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr – Xbox One digital pre-order
  • Please include in your email a proof of Xbox One digital pre-order

We will send you an activation key for the digital pre-order bonus a few days before the release of the game. Please note that the base game is needed to play this DLC.

It is possible that some of you who pre-ordered may be able to download and launch the game on June 5th, but this version of the game will not work. To play the game, you would need to delete this version from your console and get a new copy of the game (as a digital purchase or as a retail disc install) from its official release on July 5th.

Please note this doesn’t impact retail pre-orders: if you pre-ordered the game at a retail partner, you will get the Charybdis Outpost mission as a bonus.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.

This post was modified 6 years 295 days ago by Morzan
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W40K Inquisitor - Martyr - Xbox One Pre-Order Update
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6 years 198 days ago
Just got an email from BigBen this morning with my code
6 years 198 days ago
Would you be more specific please? Did you pre-order the retail or the digital version?
6 years 199 days ago
So when are the codes going out I still haven’t gotten mine
6 years 232 days ago
I noticed Morzan didnt get refunded. If you goto your microsoft account and look at your purchases history there will be a box next to the inquisitor game click on the box that says refund and it will be sorted. hope this helps.
6 years 239 days ago
Posted by Morzan 6 years 283 days ago

An update from BigBen:

"Hi everyone,


Following our initial announcement, we have gotten several inquiries about PS4 digital pre-orders for Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr.

Unfortunately, because of the recent release date shift, we will not be able to offer digital pre-orders through PlayStation Store.


Please note this does not impact retail pre-orders: if you pre-ordered the game at a participating retailer, you will get the Charybdis Outpost mission as a bonus.


In addition to that, when Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr releases on July 5th, the Deluxe and Imperium editions will also be available for digital purchase on the American and European PlayStation Store.


Thanks again for your support!"

Sorry to interrupt, but you did say July 5th. As far as I know it is August 23rd for Consoles. This also concerns the Xbox versions. I´m sure there are those who are intereested in knowing what have/will/is happening for those too.

And for Xbox as far as I know, it is IMPOSSIBLE to buy anything from the Online Store regarding Deluxe and Premium Edition. It is also impossible to buy anything Imperium Edition related for those whi wish from a Retail Store, or from a Retail Store with their own Web Page.

Soo, what are the updates regarding these issues? Because I´m sure people are interested in also knowing that.

I know Playstation have sold more then Xbox has likely ever sold, and likely there are more owners of Playstation.

But I´m sure Xbox Owners also would like to know what will happen to their versions.

6 years 239 days ago

“”As some of you have noticed, Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr is no longer available for pre-order from Microsoft Store on Xbox consoles. If you pre-ordered the game, your order will be cancelled. If you have already been charged, your payment method will be refunded”

Any idea when the refund is due to process? I paid in May and have still yet to have a refund occur.

Only found this post whilst searching for a current release date, and have now emailed for what seems to be a thing I already paid for. £70 version of the game.

6 years 280 days ago

I have contacted BigBen and have received this response this morning;

We have carried the greatest attention to your e-mail.

The official release date will be announced next week, we can not give you more information.

Staying at your service for more information,
The Hot Line Team "

This isn't the "don't worry everything fine, just a mix up" response i was hoping for and taking the reply at face value, leads me to think that the release date is still fluid?

I have checked a few UK stockists and their dates are listed below;

Simply Games: 03/07/18

Argos: 31/12/18

Game: 31/12/18

Amazon: 02/01/19

This is really disconcerting and i would really like to know what's going on.

6 years 281 days ago

Our console ports are handled by BigBen Interactive, so they should be able to give up-to-date information about Martyr's console releases. Be sure to inquire at [email protected] for details!

6 years 281 days ago
We’ll just have to wait and see atm I think. I hope it’s just some mix up, but if it has been pushed back, it would of been nice to get the information or a least a statement from neocore in place before the suppliers contacted customers.
6 years 281 days ago
Uk as well, if this is the case & it really has been pushed back that far part of me thinks it’ll never see the light of day. I may just cancel & move on, which is sad as I’m super excited for this 
6 years 281 days ago
I have exactly the same situation, preordered with amazon the imperium edition and have received and email today saying that the release has been pushed back to 02/01/19! Can someone explain what’s going on?

I am also in the UK

6 years 282 days ago
Have mine preordered via game uk and release date says 31/12 now. When is this actually out also I have imperium edition ordered 

6 years 282 days ago
My preorder for Xbox one via amazon for the imperium edition has been changed to 2nd Jan 2019.....so unsure what’s going on? 
6 years 282 days ago
Not sure, but you can and probably will, find some info about this and get some support on the Xbox forums too I believe.
6 years 282 days ago
Ok cool thank you 
6 years 282 days ago

If you've ordered it from the Microsoft Store, then Microsoft can answer your question. Or you can ask our console publisher, BigBen about it - [email protected] 

Unfortunately we don't have the information, because the console part (publishing) is completely handled by BigBen. 

6 years 283 days ago
Yes I can see  Clearly and I can read clearly obviously you're not understating my question the question is  I'm gonna try to be as slow as possible  So that you can understand me,,,,, I haven't received my money back for from the pre order so is there specific date debt the refined supposed to happen and update on when we're going to receive our money hopefully you  Understand that
6 years 283 days ago

As you can see above: 

"As some of you have noticed, Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr is no longer available for pre-order from Microsoft Store on Xbox consoles. If you pre-ordered the game, your order will be cancelled. If you have already been charged, your payment method will be refunded."

You can always get in contact with BigBen (our console publisher) at [email protected] - for more information.

6 years 283 days ago
Hello and thanks to all the ps4 fans for their updates,,,  ok now what about us xbox one fans I would like to know just one question  What's up with my money because I pre ordered the Imperial edition and you guys took my money haven't refined it so where do my money go  will I  my pre order are you going to make me pay twice because that's not going to happen you have 90+ of my money and I think I  Deserve to know what's going to happen give us xbox players and update please
6 years 283 days ago

An update from BigBen:

"Hi everyone,


Following our initial announcement, we have gotten several inquiries about PS4 digital pre-orders for Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr.

Unfortunately, because of the recent release date shift, we will not be able to offer digital pre-orders through PlayStation Store.


Please note this does not impact retail pre-orders: if you pre-ordered the game at a participating retailer, you will get the Charybdis Outpost mission as a bonus.


In addition to that, when Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr releases on July 5th, the Deluxe and Imperium editions will also be available for digital purchase on the American and European PlayStation Store.


Thanks again for your support!"

6 years 286 days ago
Caewren Of The Blood Ravens

Going by the above statement retail/physical copy pre-orders are fine and will still be ok , it’s the digital pre-orders that were cancelled and are unavailable 

6 years 286 days ago
Pardon But Might I Ask If This Will Effect My Physical Pre-order For Xbone, My Eyes Are Not In Their Best And It Makes It Hard To Tell If I'm Reading This Right. (Will It Come On July 5th Or Should I Cancel My Physical Preorder?)
6 years 287 days ago
Ok cool thank for the information 
6 years 287 days ago

I asked on https://support.xbox.com/ the same question "Would be my purchase be valid on launchday July 5?" and the answer was "Yes". You can ask them by yourself, they answer almost immediately unlike Neocores community managers

6 years 288 days ago
Ok well if you're not going to give me my money back now it's cool just keep it BUT MAKE SURE WHEN THE GAME COMES OUT ON JULY 5TH IM NOT PAYING SHIT YOU GOT MY MONEY ALREADY JUST MAKE SURE YOU SEND MY COPY OF THE GAME TO MY XBOX. ps no need to respond to this lol because you never do anyway 
6 years 288 days ago
Checked again this morning and according to my Microsoft statement my purchase has now been refunded thank you .
6 years 288 days ago
Yeah I got a “pre-order has been cancelled message as well , seems that there’s a difference of opinion between the two companies, but as my order was for this product from this company and they cancelled the order (not me) and have set the terms for there cancellation it would be advantageous for it to be followed through according to there statement prior to the day of release, as the order and money was given to reserve the game to be played on day of release, to then require a further payment to follow the first while waiting for the first to be returned jus to play a game I already paid for seems .... well there’s a long list of things I could say but I’ll save those 
6 years 288 days ago

I already PAYED for my imperium edition preorder - thats a problem. I think, its not a big deal to close new and cancel the existing non payed preorders. As stated above "If you have already been charged, your payment method will be refunded." - thats not true, nobody gonna return my money willingly. In the end we can always speak with Xbox support again - last year i got two copies of Halo Wars DE for a zero price 

6 years 288 days ago
I just spoke with them and that's what they told me as well. I think it might be closed off to new pre-orders but they're being forced to honor the already existing ones, though I heard from another person that Microsoft sent them an email telling them that their pre-order was canceled. So, who knows. If the game launches and and I don't get my Imperium edition then I'll just talk to Microsoft again.
6 years 288 days ago
If you read and take as written the above statement of intent from bigben then no , as all console pre-orders are cancelled and in there own words the paid money will be refunded also we were told that the version we downloaded on the 5th June is not a playable one and to play on the new date of the 5th July we had to delete and rebuy on the July date , so going by that if the refunds haven’t been put through by the 5th July you will effectively be paying twice
6 years 288 days ago
Strange. They said that my purchase still would be valid on launchday. Paying twice for the game is extreme kind of b@llshit
6 years 289 days ago
It took one button to take my money why so difficult to get it back when they cancelled the transaction not me the leg work is there’s not mine to do , I pre-ordered in good faith with high hopes for this product, both are disappearing fast , when the 5th July rolls up an the refunds haven’t been for filled how many of those are going to effectively pay twice for a four time delayed game ?
6 years 289 days ago

Chatted about refund here https://support.xbox.com/en-US/. They are definitely not happy about this stupid situation, but can help with refund

6 years 289 days ago
My Xbox post with jus under 300 views sitting on this games hub was taken down and deleted without notification or any reason although it’s obvious why as there were ppl asking where was there refund , some had there money’s taken on the first and second delay may the 11/22 and still haven’t been refunded as this looked bad on both companies I presume that is why was taken down 
6 years 289 days ago
Hello again I was  Wandering those  of us who have already paid gave you our money for the pre order on xbox one when is it possible please are we going to get our money back Lol U was quick to take the money but is taken you a long time to give it back what type of example does that set not even a response to my email Too busy to respond but not too busy to take my money
6 years 291 days ago
6 years 292 days ago
6 years 294 days ago
Hello yes I was wondering when will I get my money back because I paid for the Imperial edition Pre order a little over $90 So when do I get my money back If you can get back to me as soon as possible that would be nice because you do have my money and I will like it back In the same manner that  I gave it to you please again  Respond at your earliest convenience
6 years 294 days ago
Bumping until there's a response.
6 years 294 days ago
Hey there. I have the game on PC but also want the Console edition. Will I be able to transfer the progress on my PC edition of the game to the console edition and vice versa? Thanks.
6 years 295 days ago
I pre-ordered the Imperium edition of the game, does this mean I'll no longer be able to get that version of the game?