Vulnerability and Why You're Undervaluing It



I'm Mome Borogove. In addition to playing 40K:Inquisitor, I also sometimes dabble in building helpful tools or collecting useful information for the community.

As people are reaching the seasonal end-game, a few have mentioned struggling to deal enough damage to keep up with -90% or -99% reduced damage missions. Usually, they already know to push their crit stats up and leverage battle-state or debuff-dependent bonuses, but one thing they may not know about is the power of vulnerability and vulnerability effectiveness.

I figured I'd try to lay out what these two stats do and why they're so effective at pushing out more damage:

Vulnerability and Why You're Undervaluing It


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Vulnerability and Why You're Undervaluing It
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4 years 210 days ago
I just tried a 99% mission with 7 of these runes. I thought that maybe they were good now, but nope, my damage is still terrible. It may even be worse now...the sad thing is that I tried when you first posted, and I THOUGHT that my damage had increased (was testing in a 95% supreme), but alas...Nerfcore's nerf powers are too great...
4 years 211 days ago
Maybe not much for Vulnerability thing, but I am trying to do lots Heat Damage around, and am thinking about this (Can´t remember the name) Skill that gives +15% Heat Damage, but that gives -5% less Critical Chance. Should I go for it? Is it really worth having 5% less total Critical Chance in the long run, in exchange for a bit more Heat damage?

And what Skills is recommended in/on the Radical Tree regarding boosting my Heat Damage? I´m considering this Skill that gives more... Warp Heat, was it? but less Warp Resistance or something. Is it really worth having LESS Warp Resistance?

4 years 211 days ago
Very nice and informative post. Thanks for putting in the work and the time. :-D
4 years 211 days ago
Posted by treecargarage 4 years 211 days ago
All you need (for now) is the Impact Necrosis passive in the Physical Attacks tree.
4 years 211 days ago
Posted by Potpie 4 years 211 days ago
So I just reviewed gear on my gravgun Crusader - I do not have any enchants that give any sort of Vulnerability...

So until I do, Uncreator is useless to me yes?

I'm guessing for this gravgun build, I want to find something that has +Physical Vulnerability on Physical hit; then I could benefit from Uncreator.

All you need (for now) is the Impact Necrosis passive in the Physical Attacks tree.
4 years 211 days ago
So I just reviewed gear on my gravgun Crusader - I do not have any enchants that give any sort of Vulnerability...

So until I do, Uncreator is useless to me yes?

I'm guessing for this gravgun build, I want to find something that has +Physical Vulnerability on Physical hit; then I could benefit from Uncreator.

4 years 211 days ago
Then again, it IS Nerf/Bugcore we're talking about I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't working properly back then.
4 years 211 days ago
I tried stacking the vulnerability runes looooong ago...they sucked ass.
4 years 211 days ago
Awesome analysis, thank you!   Your Enchant Viewer is also EXCELLENT!