void crusade bug


When creating a void crusade, only the first missions are available in my account. When I complete them, the next missions in the chain are not unlocked. I tried this several times, but could never get further - only the first three missions (no further than one from the starting point). Missions that should become available after completing the first missions are never available. How can this be fixed?

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void crusade bug
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1 year 17 days ago
Yeah man! Thank YOU for your patience :) 
1 year 17 days ago

thanks a lot!!!!!!

1 year 19 days ago
Hi! We were able to look at your account finally and fix an issue. You should be good to go now! It's possible you'll have like 6 active Void Crusades now, though :D

I apologize for the long delay, and thank you for your patience! 

1 year 21 days ago

Still no, sorry! It's difficult to allocate resources to singular issues is the sad reality  :( I don't mean to be too harsh just trying to be transparent about this. But I AM actively trying to have it looked at for you I promise.

1 year 23 days ago
any news?
1 year 27 days ago
Thank you for these. I'll ask a dev to take a look at your account once they have the capacity to do so. 
1 year 27 days ago

dropmefiles . com /  6ZfUs

video void  crusade   380+ mb   

1 year 27 days ago

>Cheers! Couple more questions: all of your characters are affected by this? Or only your lvl100, foox?

It seems to me that other characters do not have access to this function yet, they are much lower level and they do not have “void shards”

>Also, is this happening with any type of Void Crusade, or maybe just a specific one?

I haven't tried them all, but in 4 different types of maps it didn't work the same for a level 100 main character.

It also didn't work when I invited a friend and we tried to complete a void mission with him. (he connected to me). Everything was also limited to the first, initially available missions. No other missions were ever opened.

1 year 28 days ago

Cheers! Couple more questions: all of your characters are affected by this? Or only your lvl100, foox? Also, is this happening with any type of Void Crusade, or maybe just a specific one? 

This comment was edited 1 year 28 days ago by oeregharcos
1 year 30 days ago

>your in-game account name  


  • Please check the integrity of your game files on Steam like so
  • reinstall the game

I did this. This didn't work the first time I installed the game and hasn't worked since the recent installation of the game. Checking the integrity of files via Steam also found no errors.

1 year 31 days ago

Hey again! 

I did mean to inquire about your game not being able to connect to servers sometimes, certainly didn't mean to accuse your internet connection of anything :P

This issue sounds like it needs some deeper inspection by a dev, I'll need to forward it to them to take a look at the backend.
I would like to ask you for two things, though: any chance you could send a screenshot/screen recording of this? You can send me files on this website's support chat.
The other thing, please try a couple basic troubleshooting steps as well, despite their triviality :) 

  • Please check the integrity of your game files on Steam like so
  • reinstall the game

Also, please share your in-game account name so I can forward it. Cheers!

1 year 32 days ago

I tried about 7 times, each time I could not open a single mission other than those already open at the start. I thought I needed to find something on the map, but no - I watched YouTube and saw that it was enough to simply complete the mission goal. I did this, but new cards did not become available. This happens constantly and with no chance of change. I tried many times on different days.

>connectivity issues

absolutely definitely not - I have excellent internet and everything is fine in other missions. That's the only problem. Look at the logs, please.or compare how my account may differ from any other in which this works. I would like to get to know this part of the game

At first I thought that the simplest level might not allow me to advance further, and the rarer the shard I use, the more cards would be available - but no, this does not work at any shard level. It just doesn't work.
And yes - I successfully completed 2-3 of these missions consistently.

>any further info

Another problem: I collected more loot than was in my inventory. As a result, I was not allowed into battle on mission 3 (I completed 2) until I “picked up the loot.” But I couldn't pick it up because the inventory is not available on that screen. And I couldn’t throw away some of the loot in order to take away what didn’t fit into my inventory right away. As a result, I had to leave the void trip, losing access to it and having to create it again. This is quite annoying. But missions beyond the first ones available initially still do not open. I am one of the very old players who came to this game many years ago. Perhaps at that time I did something wrong, which led to a bug, which during game updates (there were many of them before I entered the game) led to this situation? No more ideas.

1 year 33 days ago
Hi! I'm sorry about my late reaction, I wasn't around for a couple days. Has this been consistently happening since? Or have you been able to progress further? Would this happen with any Void Crusade you start? 

Are you experiencing any type of server connectivity issues perchance? Cheers for any further info along these lines if you got it :)