Visual Glitch


While playing a Nurglite Cultist purge mission, I noticed a long, rapidly moving red line extending from my Inquisitor's shoulder. It occasionally rotates around his body, too. I did not notice exactly when this occurred, but it started after killing a large group of mites with a heavy flamer.

Visual Glitch
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7 years 336 days ago
That's a known issue. Thank your for reporting! 
7 years 336 days ago

Odd, the image I attached doesn't seem to be visible. I've linked the screenshot below, along with my specs.

Win 10 Pro

64GB installed memory

i7-5960X CPU @ 3.00GHz

NVIDIA Titan X 12GB, 3x

This comment was edited 7 years 336 days ago by Jeddaven
7 years 336 days ago
Seems to be tied to grenades. Once you expend your full set (0 remaining) and then get a reload from a supply drop and expend 1, you sometimes get that effect. (in my experience) You can even end up with it happening twice via this. Mind, I can't seem to reproduce it with 100% consistency, which bugs me.