VIP health is nowhere visible in Panic room missions


When you are doing a Panic room mission, and you have freed the VIP, its health cannot be seen anywhere, not even in the mission description (like the computers health during the defense missions), and not even as a helath bar above its head (like the health of the soldiers in Rescue).  This might cause a problem, as you cant see if the VIP is in trouble if you are fighting a bit further in an area or a large open area.

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VIP health is nowhere visible in Panic room missions
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5 years 155 days ago
Thanks for the tip, this works, I see the VIP hp now.
5 years 159 days ago

on ps4 i use checkbox in options "show livebar of allies" for tactical mode.

5 years 164 days ago
I will discuss this with our designers, whether displaying the VIP's HP would be useful. Thanks for your feedback!