View Camera


Few things I would like to see!

-Option to lock camera to your back, or at least a view reset button to swing the camera to your back (or both!)

-The ability to change the camera's pitch (move on the vertical), some of those archways leave you feeling awfully blind.

-Ability to rebind the move camera key


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View Camera
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7 years 311 days ago

+1 from me. An option to lock the camera behind the back would be great.

7 years 311 days ago

The post I was looking for. The view is a bit too "hard" in my opinion and the key binding is not that practically. Would be great if one could change it.

7 years 318 days ago

While I really like the idea of an over the should view, it would mean they'd have to create ceilings and skyboxes (likely). I'd like it because they've put a lot of small detail into the models built so far, and unfortunately while I love top down gameplay it makes those mini details kind of unnessecary.

7 years 319 days ago

I like the idea of a over the shoulder view but given how the point / click / move combat of ARPG's works it would be pretty hard to make work. One would presume as the game progresses there will be enemies all around us rather than just infront. In these situations a top down view is the only way to go. 

Would love some rotation hotkeys tho, make things more fluid. 

7 years 319 days ago

I agree. I think this game could benefit from a closer 3rd person perspective camera option. This does not mean that I want this game to be a third person game, just the ability to move the camera better, and to where I want it.