Very low FPS


Hello Guys,

If I start a mission the game runs with 40-45fps. But after killing 2-3 packs of mobs the fps drops down to 20 fps or less.

Sometime I have 10fps or below. I try to change the graphic settings but it's still the same issue. If I use high settings, mid or low. The fps are still low. I also try to set the resolustion to the lowest and deactived all advance graphic options but it's the same issue. No influence on my fps.

I run the game with a Nvidia GTX 1050TI 4GB/ AMD 4x 740 3200MHz / 8GB RAM / Windows10.  Software is updated.

Any help would be nice.


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Very low FPS
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7 years 266 days ago

very strange that fps are very bad even on lowest settings and the alpha build doe'st even look nowhere near as good as pre alpha footage???

7 years 271 days ago

Setting shadows to minimum helped a lot, now I have fps in the 40-60 ranges mostly. Other settings are unchanged as they make no real difference for me.

7 years 272 days ago

OK 12fps during a fight is a new low. What's up with that? Even with uncapped fps it never goes over 54-58 in the menu. It's like Satellite Reign.

Well anyway if I can help with logs or whatever let me know ;)

7 years 272 days ago

Hi, sorry for necroing this, but I just bought the game and have strangely low FPS. Everything is up to date, checked, blah blah. Only other game that drops fps like this is Deathwing.

i7-3770K @ 4.2GHz

2x8GB DDR3-1600

GTX 970 @ 1340/3700MHz

In 1080p, everything set to max + 2xMSAA + VSync on, 60fps cap, I'm getting 54fps in menu, and the very first map I loaded started at about 35-40fps, then the creepy-crawlies came and dropped to 30fps. Is this normal? Am I doing something wrong / should I just patiently wait for the performance optimizations? It would be really nice to have smooth 60fps eventually :)

7 years 348 days ago
I also agree with these issues, though i am using amd  A8-6600k 8gig ram desktop win7 through alot of testing i find the heaviest impacts to fps drain outside of the mounting piles of slain heritics is shadows and resolution. reducing both helps noticably, but not enough to matter, sadly. 
7 years 349 days ago
Posted by GremlinGamer 7 years 352 days ago

I am using a laptop with an i7 6820 CPU, GeForce GTX 980M, 12GB RAM and W10 and also had massive FPS issues.

The issue for me is that the game was attempting to run using the integrated graphics chipset, so you may be having a similar issue. Try going into the NVIDIA control panel then go to manage 3D settings and make your NVIDIA GPU your preferred graphics processor for all applications.

If this does not help then I suggest going to the Nvidia website and downloading GeForce experience, which should make sure you have the most up to date drivers for your GPU. 

I would give a link, but I am not sure how Neocore feel about links to external sites and the like, not that it would be incredibly hard to find with a quick google search anyways.

This is likely the cause of the low FPS. If you don't want to set the NVIDIA GPU as your preferred graphics processor for _all_ applications, you can still right-click the  Warhammer exe file, click on "Run with graphics processor.../High-performance NVIDIA graphics processor. 
7 years 349 days ago
Posted by GremlinGamer 7 years 352 days ago

I am using a laptop with an i7 6820 CPU, GeForce GTX 980M, 12GB RAM and W10 and also had massive FPS issues.

The issue for me is that the game was attempting to run using the integrated graphics chipset, so you may be having a similar issue. Try going into the NVIDIA control panel then go to manage 3D settings and make your NVIDIA GPU your preferred graphics processor for all applications.

If this does not help then I suggest going to the Nvidia website and downloading GeForce experience, which should make sure you have the most up to date drivers for your GPU. 

I would give a link, but I am not sure how Neocore feel about links to external sites and the like, not that it would be incredibly hard to find with a quick google search anyways.

This is likely the cause of the low FPS. If you don't want to set the NVIDIA GPU as your preferred graphics processor for _all_ applications, you can still right-click the  Warhammer exe file, click on "Run with graphics processor.../High-performance NVIDIA graphics processor. 
7 years 351 days ago
Posted by GremlinGamer 7 years 352 days ago

I am using a laptop with an i7 6820 CPU, GeForce GTX 980M, 12GB RAM and W10 and also had massive FPS issues.

The issue for me is that the game was attempting to run using the integrated graphics chipset, so you may be having a similar issue. Try going into the NVIDIA control panel then go to manage 3D settings and make your NVIDIA GPU your preferred graphics processor for all applications.

If this does not help then I suggest going to the Nvidia website and downloading GeForce experience, which should make sure you have the most up to date drivers for your GPU. 

I would give a link, but I am not sure how Neocore feel about links to external sites and the like, not that it would be incredibly hard to find with a quick google search anyways.

Thank you but I allready check this and the GeForce experience and my drivers are up to date.
7 years 351 days ago
Posted by Nomad Darmadeus 7 years 352 days ago
I had really low FPS too for testing, but unticking some of the graphic options at the bottom will really give you higher FPS.
Not for me.

I run a mission with around 20fps +/- 5 fps, with all advance graphic options on or off. No change on fps. 

Same with low/mid/high resolition Textures. And same with screen resolution, 800x600 had the same fps issue like on 1680x1050. 

There is no remarkable fps boost during the missions. 

With low settings I start a mission with 40-45fps and after 2-3 fights the fps drops down to 15-25fps. If I run an mission with a high setting I start the mission with around 35fps an drop again down after a few fight.

7 years 352 days ago

I am using a laptop with an i7 6820 CPU, GeForce GTX 980M, 12GB RAM and W10 and also had massive FPS issues.

The issue for me is that the game was attempting to run using the integrated graphics chipset, so you may be having a similar issue. Try going into the NVIDIA control panel then go to manage 3D settings and make your NVIDIA GPU your preferred graphics processor for all applications.

If this does not help then I suggest going to the Nvidia website and downloading GeForce experience, which should make sure you have the most up to date drivers for your GPU. 

I would give a link, but I am not sure how Neocore feel about links to external sites and the like, not that it would be incredibly hard to find with a quick google search anyways.

7 years 352 days ago
I had really low FPS too for testing, but unticking some of the graphic options at the bottom will really give you higher FPS.
7 years 352 days ago

Later on the game will receive more and more optimization.