Vendor and Items


When Selling to the Vendor get message "Item is Unsellable" even though it goes ahead and acts like it is sold. If bought back it Says "Invalid Artifact"

Also, are all items supposed to have defense and Attack values? Only Items I've seen with these stats are the Starter Items.

This post was edited 7 years 364 days ago by Treyus
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Vendor and Items
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7 years 364 days ago

Thanks for the feedback, we are already aware of this issue, and  I have added this to our bug tracker. We'll try and fix this ASAP.

In the meantime, you can try verify game integrity via Steam and making sure you are using the newest, v0.1.2 build (Main menu, bottom right corner).

7 years 364 days ago
+1 to this. The lack of attack and defence is puzzling.