Van Helsing III on PS4?


Will this be released on PS4 in 2018?  Just wondering because I'm getting my bro and 2 friends into it so we can play 4p Heroic mode, gonna start playing through I and II very soon, but noticed III came out on Xbox One and not PS4

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Van Helsing III on PS4?
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5 years 341 days ago
Is VH2 still working online or have devs put the game in to maintenance mode?... Not happy that its still being sold on PS store and many features aren't working.
6 years 169 days ago
We don't have new information to share at the moment. Once we have, we will announce it and post it everywhere. 
6 years 169 days ago
As much as I would love to see this, I think they're now too busy with Warhammer:Inquisitor, so it's extremely unlikely anytime soon.