Van HELSING: FINAL CUT(PC) After UPDATE(03/13/17) dont start anymore



today I noticed a comment on the steam website for Van Helsing Final Cut (PC), that you can play online again after the backend transfer that  started in february.

There was some Update Download for the game and after this I just click "Play" and a window appears with "preparing start blablabla" and  nothing happens then???

I verifiy intengritiy of game files but still the game just don't start and even wiithout an error or sth.

Befor this whole backend transfer odyssey startet I could normaly start the game.

With network error while transfer but still could start it.

Befor I reinstall  the game NOW, which takes a while <.< with potatoe internet in germany...

I would like to ask if there is some other way and I also would like to know if I don't damage my online char progress in any kind.

Because this would really be "GG" for me after waiting that long and now even lose my 60hour char.....


This post was edited 7 years 331 days ago by V1re
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Van HELSING: FINAL CUT(PC) After UPDATE(03/13/17) dont start anymore
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7 years 326 days ago
Game starts normaly again after new update.

My lvl 83 char still exists and I played for some minutes without any suspicious error or shutdowns.

Now I can continue my journey :).

Thanks for the support.

7 years 327 days ago
OK, asap.... So all people buy a new game will pay you asap, maybe in 3 month? This is OK for you?
7 years 328 days ago
im having the exactly same issue, been verified the game, reinstalled the game and it still doesnt work
7 years 330 days ago
We know about this issue. This error will be fixed as soon as possible! 
7 years 330 days ago
have the same problem and rather not re-install the whole thing, got limited broadband to use. hopefully it will be fixed soon. time will tell
7 years 330 days ago

Best you can do is to delete the game and do never buy anything else of this publisher. That's what I'm going to do now. No support, no money.