Update for Inquisitor - v2.2.2 - April 2


Updates to W40K: Inquisitor have been released. The updates will be applied automatically after your Steam client (in on-line mode) is restarted.

Patch v2.2.2

New Features

Amber Void Crusade

  • Gather 5 Amber Shards to open the brand new Amber Crusade and complete its challenging missions to receive epic rewards! Fight and defeat the Khorne forces, the Black Legion, and the Rebel Guard to collect your righteous bounty.

Hardcore Void Crusades

  • Players can now create Hardcore Void Crusades. Hardcore Crusades require 7 shards, but the overall loot bonus and quality is increased by 50%.

Fixed Bugs

  • Various localization fixes
  • Fixed character loading errors in some cases
  • Fixed an issue where relic enchants did not appear on newly crafted relic Inoculators
  • Fixed an issue where an enchant giving damage bonus could roll onto more items than it meant to
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes Priority Assignments could terminate after only one mission
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes the Constructs of the Tech-Adept could attack the target in Hot Pursuit missions
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes upon rerolling all enchants on a relic item one or two enchant slots could drop off
  • Fixed an issue where once rerolling all enchants new enchants could no longer be rolled onto the item from the primary enchant pool
  • The drop rate of Tarot cards, Empyrean Seals and Blueprints have been lower while playing with the Tech Adept. This has been corrected
  • A Tarot hazard could improperly duplicate unmoving Champion units in missions. These units will no longer duplicate
  • Fixed an issue where supplies and inoculator charges could not be picked up from Supply and Medical chests in certain cases
  • There was an Inoculator blueprint duplicate which got removed
  • Corrected some psalm-code doctrines' descriptions to be more accurate. The changes have been indicated in the Compendium as well
  • The high suppression of the Full Auto skill of the Autogun was fixed
  • Fixed an effect on the Lasgun
  • Fixed the sound of the Chainsword
  • Fixed a covert mission unlock property within the Ivory Void Crusade
  • From now on rescued Imperial Guardsmen will no longer fail to teleport out in Rescue missions
  • Fixed the Brother in Arms achievement which did not unlock if players were offline when their application to a Cabal was accepted
  • Lowered the sound of the footsteps of some NPCs as they were too loud compared to the characters


  • The Tech-Adept Constructs can now be aimed to a specific location when casted


  • Updated icons for special weapon skills
  • Boosted drop rate for Blueprints and Crafting Materials within Void Chests
  • Updated the Heroic Deed values and descriptions
  • Revamped the layout of the Ivory Void Crusade
  • Added the missing subtitles on every language for the Prophecy intro and outro video

Balance Changes

Ranged Weapons


  • Frag Burst: Damage reduced from 1.36 to 1.292, ammo cost increased from 2 to 3, removed Fleshbane tag
  • Frag Burst (Archeotech): removed spread, added Knockback tag
  • Single Shot: Damage reduced from 1.40 to 1.3, reload time increased from 1.5 to 2 seconds

Plasma Cannon

  • Barrage: Cooldown reduced from 12 to 6 seconds, Overheat cost increased from 1 to 1.5
  • Barrage (Archeotech): fires 8 projectiles instead of 6 with a faster fire rate, overheat cost reduced to 1/shot from 1.5/shot
  • Compressed Shot: Damage increased from 1.2 to 2.2, Overheat cost increased from 4 to 7, chargeup time reduced to 1.5 sec (now charges at a rate of 250%/sec)
  • Compressed Shot (Archeotech): Charges up to 500% damage over the same time
  • Single Shot: Damage increased from 1.4 to 1.9

Plasma Gun

  • Short Burst (Archeotech): added Armor Piercing tag, cooldown is reduced to 1.5 seconds
  • Focused Bolt (Archeotech): Deals 25% more damage


  • Full Auto: added High Suppression tag
  • Full Auto (Archeotech): removed spread
  • Aimed Shot: added Critical Strike tag
  • Aimed Shot (Archeotech): Deals 10% more damage, added High Suppression tag


  • Short Burst (Archeotech): Deals 15% more damage, added Giantkiller tag


  • Rad Charge: AoE damage increased from 0.5 to 1.0
  • Rad Charge (Archeotech): AoE deals 50% more damage, shot deals 25% more damage
  • Single Shot: Damage increased from 1.14 to 1.5, Overheat cost increased from 0.6 to 0.8
  • Single Shot (Archeotech): Deals 5% more damage, added Armor Piercing tag
  • Melta Blast: Added Burning tag, chargeup time reduced to 1.5 sec (now charges at a rate of 250%/sec)
  • Overcharged Shot: Cooldown reduced from 5 seconds to 3

Grav Gun

  • Grav Implosion (Archeotech): AoE effect deals 36% more damage
  • Single Shot (Archeotech): Deals 20% more damage

Grenade Launcher

  • Airburst Grenade (Archeotech): added Extreme Suppression tag, deals 25% more damage, cooldown reduced to 3 seconds from 5

Heavy Bolter

  • Hellstorm (Archeotech): 33% faster base fire rate, has area spread instead of angle spread, removed spin-up
  • Disengage (Archeotech): Removed spread

Heavy Flamer

  • Phosphorous Blast (Archeotech): has Large Area effect, cooldown is halved
  • Schorched Earth (Archeotech): added Fleshbane tag


  • Short Burst: Heat cost/shot reduced from 2 to 1
  • Aimed Shot (Archeotech): Deals 25% more damage
  • Hot Shot (Archeotech): added Fleshbane and Critical Strike tags

Melta Gun

  • Inferno beam (Archeotech): added Armor Piercing tag, deals 25% more damage
  • Melta Blast (Archeotech): deals 5% more damage, cooldown reduced to 4 seconds from 5

Plasma pistol

  • Overheat capacity increased from 10 to 16
  • Overcharge: Damage increased from 1.25 to 1.5, chargeup time reduced to 1.5 sec (now charges at a rate of 250%/sec), now splits overheat between weapons (instead of giving 6 to one weapon, it gives 5 to both weapons)
  • Piercing Shot: cooldown increased from 2 seconds to 3, now splits overheat between weapons (instead of giving 4 to one weapon, it gives 6 to both weapons)
  • Piercing Shot (Archeotech): Deals 10% more damage, added Armor Breaking tag
  • Single Shot: Damage increased from 0.75 to 1.45, Overheat cost increased from 0.5 to 0.8
  • Focused Bolt (Archeotech): Deals 20% more damage

Grav Pistol

  • Overheat capacity increased from 14 to 16
  • Gravity Well (Archeotech): Deals 44% more damage
  • Gravity Flare (Archeotech): Reduced cooldown to 3 seconds from 6, deals 25% more damage
  • Temporal Anomaly: Damage increased from 1.0 to 2.0, cooldown increased from 1.2 seconds to 2.5, overheat cost increased from 1 to 2

Inferno Pistol

  • The Melta Blast and Melting Ray skills has been switched
  • Overheat capacity increased from 12 to 16
  • Melting Ray: now uses both weapons and shares overheat cost, Overheat cost increased from 2 to 4
  • Melting Ray (Archeotech): Overheat cost reduced to 3/shot instead of 4, deals 15% more damage
  • Melta Blast (Archeotech): Deals 12% more damage

Bolt Pistol

  • Concussive Shot: damage decreased from 2.8/shot to 2/shot but fires 2 shots simultaneously
  • Suppressive Fire: cooldown reduced from 8 to 4 seconds, burst repeat count reduced from 10 to 6 shots, damage decreased from 0.7 to 0.6/shot but fires 2 shots simultaneously, area radius increased from 3 to 4 meters
  • Suppressive Fire (Archeotech): added Knockback tag, deals 16% more damage
  • Single Shot: Damage increased from 0.71 to 1.3
  • Full Auto: Damage increased from 0.41 to 0.8
  • Full Auto (Archeotech): removed spread


  • Duals Beams (Archeotech): added Critical Strike tag, deals 20% more damage
  • Single Shot (Archeotech): added Armor Piercing tag


  • Crippling Salvo: Damage reduced to 0.25 from 0.35
  • Crippling Salvo (Archeotech): removed spread, deals 20% more damage
  • Assault Gunnery: Damage reduced from 0.26 to 0.247, rotation speed increased from 10°/sec to 12°/sec
  • Short Burst: Damage increased from 0.29 to 0.45
  • Short Burst (Archeotech): has Armor Breaking tag instead of Weak vs Armored
  • Full Auto: Damage increased from 0.2 to 0.28

Melee Weapons


  • Eviscerate: Instead of the endless channeling, the maximum channel time is reduced to 1.5 seconds, after that the skill must be recast. Damage increased from 2.5/sec to 4.95/sec
  • Eviscerate (Archeotech): has Armor Breaking tag instead of Weak vs Armored
  • Wide Strike: Damage Increased from 0.85 to 1.15, added Knockdown and Bleed tags


  • Eviscerate: Instead of the endless channeling, the maximum channel time is reduced to 2.0 seconds, after that the skill must be recast. Damage increased from 2.0/sec to 6.0/sec
  • Savage Assault: Damage increased from 1.35 to 1.6, range and movement speed has been significantly increased, removed Stun tag but added Knockdown tag
  • Savage Assault (Archeotech): Deals 12.5% more damage, cooldown reduced from 5 seconds to 3.5
  • Wide Strike: Damage decreased from 1.65 to 1.36, added Knockdown and Bleed tags
  • Wide Strike (Archeotech): Deals 5% more damage, added Armor Breaking tag

Power Axe

  • Wide strike: Damage increased from 1.8 to 3.4, added Knockdown, Slow and Fleshbane tags, added movement component to the skill
  • Strike: added High Suppression tag, damage increased from 0.94 to 1.395
  • Strike (Archeotech): has Armor Piercing tag instead of Armor Breaking, added Critical Strike tag

Power Hammer

  • Shockwave: Damage increased from 3.3 to 3.6, cooldown reduced from 6 seconds to 4
  • Shockwave (Archeotech): Deals 11% more damage, cooldown reduced to 3 seconds from 4
  • Strike: Damage Increased from 1.0 to 1.1

Power Sword

  • Blade Flurry: Damage Increased from 1.0 to 1.55, added High Suppression tag
  • Wide Strike: Damage increased from 0.9 to 1.4, added Bleed, Pain, Shock and Knockback tags, added movement component to the skill, cooldown increased to 2 seconds from 1
  • Wide Strike (Archeotech): Deals 21% more damage, added Fleshbane tag

Thunder Hammer

  • Thundering Leap: changed from Large area to Area damage (now has smaller radius)


  • Crippling Strike: Critical Strike tag removed, applies 3 stacks of vulnerability instead of one
  • Crippling Strike (Archeotech): Adds 4 stack vulnerability/hit up from 3, cooldown reduced to 3 seconds from 4
  • Wide Strike: added Fleshbane, Bleed and Knockdown tags
  • Spinning Blow: Changed behavior to channeled (now you can move while spinning), added Slow and Demolisher tags, removed Knockdown tag
  • Spinning Blow (Archeotech): Deals 15% increased damage, no movement penalty


Suppression Shield

  • Block re-designed: The player now moves forward, projecting a continous front facing shield that negates all damage from that direction. Reduces suppression damage by 80%. The player is immune to Knockback and Knockdown effects. Can be maintained indefinitely.

Storm Shield

  • Block re-designed: The player now moves forward, projecting a continous front facing shield that negates all damage from that direction. Reduces suppression damage by 80%. The player is immune to Knockback and Knockdown effects. Can be maintained indefinitely.
  • Shield Charge: Distance reduced to 15 meters from 25, damage reduced from 1.0 to 0.8

Sentinel Armor

  • Turret: HP scaling increased by about 250%, Damage scaling increased by about 200%, Focus cost increased from 15 to 40, damage now has a 1.3 base damage multiplier up from flat 70-80 base damage, cooldown increased from 5 to 10 seconds
This post was edited 4 years 306 days ago by Marcopolocs
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Update for Inquisitor - v2.2.2 - April 2
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4 years 321 days ago
Question: is it intended that rerolling all enchantments at Omicron Arkh will no longer have a chance to change the number of enchantments on the item?

For example, if an item with 3-5 enchant slots rolls with 4 slots initially, will rerolling all with Arkh have any chance of changing that item to have 5 slots (or 3 slots)? This certainly used to be the case, but it now seems that no amount of rerolling changes the number of enchant slots on an item.
4 years 322 days ago

I can confirm my character is progressing well now!  Thank you for addressing this issue!

4 years 322 days ago

Well, on the 3 other forums and discord, they finally have made an announcement that they are aware of the problem and working on a fix.  Finally!  Great news!

We are already working on the issue! A hotfix will get released in the shortest time possible.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to this report! I will spread the time of the hotfix everywhere to keep you updated!"

4 years 323 days ago
Same here, I select the forge world, and 1 options goes through a quick chat then back to the start of the conversation. The other options about the martyr cancels the conversation. Unable to progress the story from this point as a tech adept. 
4 years 323 days ago
I'm having this exact same issue as well
4 years 323 days ago

Well, something broke in the game.  New Tech Adept characters

I cannot progress with my Tech Adept, I'm stuck at the Dialogue with Tybald Virtax on Forge World Thule.

The first dialogue option is three pages of text, the second option "Inquisitor: About the Machine Spirit of the Martyr ..." sends me straight back to the Planet Select screen and I cannot travel to any planet or system besides Forge World Thule.


4 years 324 days ago
I did of course mean: Something happens that make/made it IMpossible to fulfill your Mission.
4 years 325 days ago
Well, I do not always get Void Crusades done 100%. But not always because of me going out of lives, sometimes there was some kind of bugs or something that made me fail some of the Missions in Voids.

Something happens that make/made it possible to fulfill your Mission.

Anyways, I just opened a Hardcore Void Crusade, and I know I will be struggling when longer into the Missions I get. The further you go, the harder it get´s.

I don´t know if it´s this update that does it or what, but I did notice that those Missions I did play after the Update had  a tendency to be lagging/stutter quite a bit. In one Mission it was so bad it made me fail the Mission. It was in fact so bad I did lose the control over the whole game. This stuttering/lagging of the game is not a very common thing I experience.

Another situation was that a Chaos Space Marine did get stuck behind a Relic Chest, and it was completely impossible to reach him with some kind of abilities or hit him with weapon. With Weapon I refer to Close Combat Weapons. I do not know about Ranged Weapons. I hope someone else may have/had the same issue and can show a video of it.

Taking a picture of something like this is a waste. That would just show my Character in front of a Relic Chest and a Chaos Space Marine behind it, and that´s it.

4 years 325 days ago

Thanks that you think on us console players as well! ;)

Personally hardcore does not seem much of a challenge, about 95% of void crusades I do on my toons without dying, and I end up at +9-10 supreme missions and 500+ loot quanity. Sitting on several hundreds void shards (sometimes I even sell them) as well, but at least 50% loot bonus is some free lunch, right? 

What really   is not encouraging is that you need to start with missions on your level which pose not the slightest challenge at all, and are therefore just utterly boring. So personally I also woul like all missions on the max Level I aim for right from the start at the tradeoff of better loot Quality.

This comment was edited 4 years 325 days ago by BYCROM
4 years 325 days ago
- Ancient relics are already under our scope. They will come next.

- The buffs are not optional, but it depends on RNG which Archeotech gets the buffs. The existing items though got the changes.

- You can start Crusades in Hardcore mode if you collected enough shards. Although the difficulty cannot be set, it is still a real challenge to complete the whole Crusade with one life.

4 years 325 days ago
I like changes.

A few questions :

1. What about ancient relics and morality weapons? 

2. Are those archeotech buffs optional? If no will fix exosting items and blueprints?

4 years 326 days ago
How can I set the difficulty level on Intel Mission & Void crusades?

As long as that isn't possible this game has no end game.
Being bored while hoping for "that drop" isn't a game, it's...boring.

Rebalancing is good. But when the core game is deeply flawed - why bother?

4 years 326 days ago

A lot of interesting changes to skills(greatsword and boltpistols looking good right now). I will try the new Crusade tonight(maybe even on hardcore). Love the new loot-sorting-buttons, nice QoL feature. :)

Any chance that Archeotech-Blueprints (that dont have the improved skills) get updated too?? 

My Bolt-Pistol Archeotech-Blueprint still says "Spread[Wide]" for Full-Auto. :(