Game gives "Version error, the needs to be updated" when trying to connect to the servers. 

Game is unplayable right now.

Is there a fix being worked on?

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6 years 146 days ago
You may check my comment below where I informed the players that the problem has been solved already and everyone can log in!
6 years 147 days ago
All of this with out a word from the devs? I stand by my originally nal statement..... cowards. Let us know what went down and how you'll avoid it ... 
6 years 147 days ago
Posted by masteryoda7033 6 years 147 days ago
I think it is fixed,could log on now normally.
Same here - works now without anything more than simply starting the game.
6 years 147 days ago
The problem has been averted 2 hours ago, everyone can log in now!
6 years 147 days ago
I didnt. Reserve data is just data it uses to suspend the game in the background. 
6 years 147 days ago
I think it is fixed,could log on now normally.
6 years 147 days ago
Do you lose your gameprogress then?
6 years 147 days ago
Do you lose your gameplay then?
6 years 147 days ago
deleting and reinstalling fixed it for me.
6 years 147 days ago
Went into manage game and add ons. Cleared reserved space. Reeboted game. Works fine
6 years 147 days ago
Had the same error all day. Fixed it
6 years 147 days ago
same problem update error . 
6 years 147 days ago
Same error. First let me say that I have truly enjoyed the time I've spent playing this game and hope.to.spend many more hours in the future. I'm not bitter about this particular glitch, but surprised. Normally a patch of update rolls out to fix bugs, crashes, gameplay balance etc... And from what I read more than a day ago this update was quite the list of fixes. I don't know if the patch goes live at different times for each device or is playable on , or of the patch itself created additional bugs that were unforeseeable at the time of release. I do feel that Neocore could, at the very least, address the community with their knowledge of this problem and an eta as to a solution.. It would stop a great deal.of nay  saying and refund mongering.  Just my opinion tho.
6 years 147 days ago
Same here. Bought the game yesterday for 64,99€ and today there is no playing it. That very much sucks because I like it a lot. Paying that much money and now knowing that this is what I get, this will very well be my last Neocore game.
6 years 147 days ago
Same error here. Have been periodically checking it through the night to no avail. Reinstalling for the 2nd time in the hope it works. Hopefully we'll all be up and running again soon.
6 years 147 days ago
Well this "Version error " sucks. More concerning is after the version 3 update was installed it didn't register in the updates tab of my xbox, yet you go to manage the game hub and it clearly says that it has been updated to version 3 today! Just please fix this so that I can once again kill things in the name of the Emperor.....

P.S It would be GREAT to of had a warning of some kind before complications like this raise their ugly heads. 

6 years 147 days ago
This is ridiculous now... either someone released the patch too early whilst it shouldn't have been...or you did not test it properly ... whichever it is ..... fuck you 
6 years 147 days ago
Same here. Version error.

One could say this is the maximum credible accident ^^

We need a fix earlier than SAP!

Best regards.

6 years 147 days ago

Same here. I am really digging this game. Problem is I feel like a crackhead waiting for my crack now.

6 years 147 days ago
This is just outrageous... Neocore I know you have your policy of pushing people to Big Ben for refunda like it's their fault, but you should really consider some super compensation or do the refunds yourself - we paid a lot pf money for this game and what we get is broken, unfinished product that obviously SHOULDN'T be released, any not just yet. Enough is enough, step up or this might be your last game - opinions about devs tend to stuck and bad ones stuck twice the hard - right now, I'm 100% that this was my first and last purchase of your products... 
6 years 147 days ago
Just tried to get on and im getting same error notification saying wrong version.
6 years 147 days ago
Was looking forward to playing today.

Read article and thought maybe they’ve fixed issue of error.

Doh! Xbox auto update!!! Damn.........

Hope they’ll fix today, pretty please.

By the way love the game!!!!!!!!

Been playing every day to level up characters.

Still don’t know how to play Warzone with others?????? 

Keep up the tremendous work Neocore

6 years 147 days ago
same version error
6 years 147 days ago
Also encountering error after downloading update: Version error, the game needs to be updated. I would like to play. Please let us know when we can.
6 years 147 days ago
Total bullshit. Why the hell wasn't this tested? Why should we wait to play something we've paid good money for? 
6 years 147 days ago
I'll bet it wasn't supposed to go live on the Xbox yet 

6 years 147 days ago
Back in the office? Shouldn't they test their patch before release? I know I test my firewall configs and network implementations...i don't get to  say  eh I'll get to it tomorrow...really I understand where you're coming from but to go silent on it seems pretty lame to me....
6 years 147 days ago
Well, of course you are right in stating that name calling doesn't accomplish anything. But you make it sound as if expecting a game that works is somehow too demanding. But is it??? I for one am playing on a console because I'm tired of constant patches and crashes. And after playing/testing over 300 Xbox games and countless other games to boot (on different consoles and even the PC) it's save to say that not every game has issues and definitely not as many as this game. Since buying it I had to reinstall and it still crashes constantly. No other game turns off/restarts my Xbox while playing for example...

Am agreeing with you to keep it civil but it is ok to be angry about a game with so many faults. At least in my oppinion. 

6 years 147 days ago
Was looking forward to a nice game play tonight and continue my adventures in WarHammer, oh an update, good my sound keeps going out, sure I’ll do that let’s fix some bugs. what’s this it’s saying I haven’t updated when I did, hmmm ok I’ll uninstall and reinstall, that helped on occasions. Ok still cann’t play, what is going on here, I paid good money for this product, what’s going on here neocore games????!!!!
6 years 147 days ago
Having the same issue
6 years 147 days ago
Same here just got off work and downloaded the patch was excited to play now I can't. Hopefully they fix it by tomorrow afternoon. Calling names and demanding a refund isn't going to accomplish anything. Every game has issues in the first week. They will get it sorted out as soon as someone is back in the office I'm sure.
6 years 147 days ago
I am having the same issue since I downloaded the update....  What is this?  I hope the fix it soon...
6 years 147 days ago

No response from neocore? Cowards. This is completely unacceptable. This games not worth 60$ I know that but I wanted to give you a chance to see what you'd make of it. Tuesday vh games had huge potential but terribly unsatisfying to play .m Ive lost lost hope botching first update as unplayable I want a refund now....

This comment was edited 6 years 147 days ago by digital4narchy
6 years 147 days ago
I've got the same error. "Version error, the game needs to be updated."

Even though I really like the game: crashes, a lot of bugs and now this. I'm getting so tired of this game. Neocore games please do something about this and quick. And as mentioned by useplanb: if you're selling a game on the Xbox please put the same care into it as the version for the PC (or other platforms for that matter).

I really don't want to be overly critical or hostile but I simply have no patience for a game I can't play. If this keeps happening I want a refund.

6 years 147 days ago
Having the same issue. Downloaded patch and getting the same version error. Hopefully this gets fixed quick. 
6 years 147 days ago
Ditto, download patch and now get “Version error, the game needs to be updated”

Not to mention I still don’t seem to have any of the extra gimmicks when you buy the emerial version of the game. No love for the XBox it seems.
6 years 147 days ago
Posted by DoomN7 6 years 147 days ago
On xbox home screen, go to my games and apps, updates.

I just found an update for the game. Looks like the patch dropped 

OK. Yeah. 

Same error. 

6 years 147 days ago

We are getting the error after patching, went from version to

This comment was edited 6 years 147 days ago by sTEPSIDe
6 years 147 days ago
On xbox home screen, go to my games and apps, updates.

I just found an update for the game. Looks like the patch dropped 

6 years 147 days ago
Good to know it's not just me having issues. I just wish they would state servers will be down for X amount of hours or something.
6 years 147 days ago
Same error! Hopefully they are still apply8ng the patch to their severs
6 years 147 days ago
Same problem