Unable to interact with Captain after completing a campaign mission.


So i recently completed the campaign (got the credits) and after i could still see campaign missions on the map so naturally i carried on doing them.  I started getting missions i had previously completed but was allowed to do them again.....then i came to the mission where you have to get to Inquisitor Draken.

After that mission im back on ship and talk to the Captain and she tells me we are at coordinates and the conclave have a message.  Then there is some dialog after that and this is where she becomes unavailable.

Any help or work around this ?

This is on PS4.



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Unable to interact with Captain after completing a campaign mission.
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6 years 175 days ago
Ok so now I can’t even select difficulty of missions I pick. Seems to be stuck on a impossible setting or something because missions with lower power level then me have red multipliers.